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The Hidden Side of Things - C. W. Leadbeater

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From: Ram V.
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2008, 6:30 AM
Subject: The Child First
Reply to: 261971
ID: 259426

S'ace : >>>>...To im-pulse the dynamic of "sensing the pulse where all people do matter" may be the connecting focus ...<<<

Ram: Thanks, S'Ace, for refreshing us on the centuries old wisdom: "The voice of the people is the voice of God." And with the most recent statement when Hillary Clinton; in her last night's victory speech, said, "In the voice of the people, I have discovered my essential-Self".

Beautiful natural pointer towards Interconnectedness/GR! Thank you, S'ace.


---- On Wed, Jan 9, 2008, S´ace g root wrote ---

intro (linking me-now)

last 2 days i had a meet and conversation with Antonio Rossin, another european and world citizen who works on a better understanding of what life is about ... We went to the city where Vincent van Gogh started his career of painting, Nuenen - the Netherlands, and he visited "the city of the Light": Eindhoven (Philips) - technological seen.
tuesday we had a meet with someone working in the field of Mental Fitness and KaosPilots working the theme of "Binding" in and among the city of Amsterdam. In the afternoon we were visiting "The City of the Sun" project in Belgium, which enters the New Era : another interpretation of what life and work is; and a neutral energybased society.
We ended up at Djengis Khan, a mongolian restaurant ;-)

Why this Topic "The Child First":

Antonio's focus is the first 4 years of the child as the "binding years" for the family idea and for the dial-ectical orientation of the child for what this world of language and navigation means.

What is learned is to manage a blank sheet as a start for every contact! There a new child/idea is born and one can wonder about the new energy that unfolds in-formation with someone guiding that.

What does this mean for Democracy

Defining Democracy ( DemoCreatie ) as the core for humans to interact the agreement to co-operate the "we" as steering wheel for the "verb" - it means (according to me) that the vehicle of Democracy is the spirit of Democracy that is alive within the orientation field of the voter and votee (representative / politician) it-self.
To im-pulse the dynamic of "sensing the pulse where all people do matter" may be the connecting focus ...

This idea was perfectly shown yesterday by frans who addressed the womb and addressed the first 4 years of a human being as the im-pulse for the family and the family of all (community).

Resulting to ...

"The Child First" as the flexible learning stage for the local germ of Father and Mother and Child, "the family" ... and above that the global germ of responsible individuals that have a knowledge of that 4 years resonating destiny & variety of oneness as healing whole (womb).



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