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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 4:57 PM
Subject: January 14th Support for Mayan Elder
Reply to: 261995
ID: 259449

Hi Jonathan, et all,

Thanks for forwarding the message regarding the Jan.14th support for Mayan Elder.

I will keep this as well as our Love, Radiance, Intention and attention combination in the focus for tomorrow. Needless to say, the more we join such connecting energies, the more intensively we stregthen our connection. Simply because the natural principle of giving and receiving enhances the circulation of such loving, caring and healing energies.

Yes, I would also be interestd to receive Don Alejandro Oxlaj's speech. I have a feeling it is going to be quite uplifting and connecting to what LRIG group is doing this week.

In service and alignment.......Ram

---- On Sun, Jan 13, 2008, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste EveryONE,

Here is an email I just received today from Joseph Giove at Although it is a bit long, I felt moved to share it with all of you. Please pass it on if you feel inclined to do so.

Dear Vibe Tribe…please distribute immediately,

Sorry this is such late notice, but I just got the final details and request directly from Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro Oxlaj:

We have a significant opportunity to help empower the intentions of our Grand Mayan Elder, Don Alejandro Oxlaj, who will be giving a speech in the Inauguration Ceremony of the new president of Guatemala, Alvaro Colom, on Monday, January 14th, 2008:

I will be distributing Don Alejandro's speech, at his request, after he delivers it on Monday.

This is yet another fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor prophecy, where the modern, technological world unites with the heart and intuition of indigenous wisdom. President Colom himself is a non-Mayan Mayan Priest, who has been a student of Don Alejandro Oxlaj. President Colom has formed a board of indigenous elders, lead by Don Alejandro, that he will regularly consult with.

Don Alejandro has asked us to unite with him and other elders on January 14th with a shared intention aligned with the speech he will be giving. Here is the Concordance for all day January 14th in whatever time zone you are in:

1. Ground and center yourself in your own spiritual practice, then move your awareness to your heart center, feeling love, appreciation and compassion for all life, and respect and honoring of our indigenous elders on every continent, past and present.

2. See and feel the world united in oneness. See and feel Guatemala and the world in peace and harmony, in fulfillment of the Mayan prophecies of this time. Appreciate the living presence and deep wisdom of the Mayan people as Guatemala and the world recognize this precious wisdom from the Heart of the Earth.

3. Affirm with our Mayan Elders:

In the name of the Heart of the Heavens; Heart of the Earth, thank you. Let the Spirit of our Ancestors, our Grand Mothers and Grand Fathers, be here today.

Brothers and Sisters of all colors, holding hands around the planet, we are one, like the fingers of one hand. Let us reflect on this, let us meditate and pray in our own way, in our own language, according to our own culture or religion, because we have only one Sun to shine upon us equally, one air that we breathe and give us life, one water that we drink and becomes blood in our veins, and we all live on our one Mother Earth. She feeds us, she holds us. Brothers and Sisters of all colors, together united we ask to be guided on the good path, to give us good thinking, strengthen our hearts and our faith, strengthen the conscience of the governors of our communities and of our nations. Illuminate us, so there can be Life for our children and our children's children.

We are one, like the fingers of one hand. We are the ones of yesterday. We are the ones of today.

Thank you Heart of the Heavens. Thank you Heart of the Earth.

4. Smile in your heart to our Sisters and Brothers around the Earth joining with us right now in oneness.

Thank you…see/feel you in the Vibe!

All my best, Joseph


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