Global Resonance Network Go to your Light Center
"God's love and mercy are beyond measure and are extended to all indiscriminately."
Inner Christianity, A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition - Richard Smoley

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From: Ram V.
Date: Friday, January 18, 2008, 7:08 AM
Subject: Towards
Reply to: 261996
ID: 259481

From: Ram P Varma,, 1/18/08 Msg. No: 42407, Sent by Email: Yes, Topic: General, Reply to: 42403 Post Reply | Post Dialogue | Post New Message | Edit | Print

Love-Radiance Intention Group Experience

Hi All,

Thank you all, for your beautiful messages. Appreciate your sharing. As a contemplation towards the first day of our 3rd LRIG experience towards "Interconnectedness" as the primary theme of the month, please, if you can:

>>>See everyone and everything today in the light of God's omnipresence.<<<

See how it goes with you.


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