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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2008, 7:16 AM
Subject: Mandala
Reply to: 262172
ID: 259627

Jonathan: It is a symbol which beautifully represents the intuitive understanding of interconnectedness and all things connecting at the center.

How can we begin to use it as an organizing principle in which to create ways to facilitate global resonance?

Bruce: That's a great question....


The short answer, from me, anyway -- is "I don't really exactly know the answer to that question...."

but --

I wish I did.

And something in me says that your instinct to see the mandala in this way -- is very right. I have that same instinct.

I DO feel -- that the mandala represents, as you say, "the intuitive understanding of interconnectedness and all things connecting at the center."

The way I see it -- this is one of the great intuitions of spirit, guiding this emerging new movement. It's an important idea, and potentially a very powerful idea. Can you imagine -- a world that really became sensitive to this..... "organizing principle"??

Wholeness -- in the world?? In community? Coherence? Harmony? Blessed attunement with the divine template?

Right now, the quote on my screen, as I write this, is

"All the great teachings from all the great esoteric traditions speak of an Absolute which is total Love, total Power, and total Knowledge and Wisdom." Riding With the Lion: In Search of Mystical Christianity Kyriacos C. Markides

I think what I am actually going to do, Jonathan -- is open a conversation on this theme, on LightPages -- through "The Bridge" concept. That's how I would approach this issue.

But developing these ideas is a little outside the scope of the GRN, I would say -- the ideas get a little heady, very interdisciplinary, etc....

But I do want to look at that issue. Anybody who is interested in exploring this -- could take a look at this interface, it feels to me like the "spirit wants to speak" through that framework...

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