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A Treatise on White Magic - Alice A. Bailey

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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Thursday, January 31, 2008, 9:34 AM
Subject: Mandala
Reply to: 262176
ID: 259629

Namaste Bruce, S'ace and everyONE,

Fascinating that you should post the beautiful Mandala and S'ace's diagram. They both represent principles that Jose Arguelles has been teaching about for many years.

His book, Mandala, has so many passages in it that capture the essence of the Mandala as a universal symbol that represents wholeness.

Bruce...It also seems like the glyph that you posted a while ago about Birthing the Co-Creative Society (?) is in a mandalic form that could be expanded upon as an organizing principle.

As far as organizing and faciliating...I see that we are co-creating a way to organize this movement of Oneness and that we will be able to use this organizing principle in circles to faciliate resonance in different sectors of society.

Feels like there is some energy here that needs to continue along with unfolding this " mandala " process.



---- On Thu, Jan 31, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Just got to laugh. Where did that hummingbird come from...

I love hummingbirds. I get them outside on my balcony every day, I really like those guys, they are so fierce and fast and abrupt, they can do right-angle turns at full speed...

But I want to address this question you ask -- because it IS a big question that comes up all the time -- and it is a big challenge in the world -- because some people -- maybe most people -- just don't seem to have the instinct for simplicity....

JoAnn puts up 10,000 quotes that clarify the issue in a magnificent way -- and people still don't see it. You can lead a horse to water, as they say -- but you can't make them drink...

And this issue is everywhere. Wow, we have to make up our minds and pick something -- and -- so goes this line of thought -- picking anything in particular is "imposing my way on everybody else" -- so, the conversation immediately turns to mud, or a very blinding kind of complexity....

That's what the young people (and many others) in the USA love so much about Barack Obama. He is not afraid to stand for the common ground, when all the doubters around him are insisting that there is no common ground of spirit, that any choice is a fascist choice... compelling us to a hollow secularism...

So -- Barack stands with the hummingbirds -- a high-speed voice of sheer spirit, who knows the nectar when he sees it, and isn't afraid to give it voice...

SĀ“ace g root wrote:

"How can we begin to use it as an organizing principle in which to create ways to facilitate global resonance?"

did jonathan ask bruce on the forum ...

and i allow myself to be in presence on the forum with all members that connect to the same principle (=essence).

Bruce: Connecting to the same principle -- hmmm -- what IS that principle -- haven't we written this fifty (or 5,000) times here on this web site...

Did you know there are already millions of people connecting and (often) connected to one another in a grid that indeed uses an organizing principle and also facilitates interconnection-ness by communicating the actions, power, essences by glyphs/symbols.

Symbols, glyphs....

Well, ok -- take your pick of WHICH symbols and glyphs ...

Personally -- I want symbols that are universal, that are eternal, that are extremely simple and intuitively resonant, that are in corcordance with the message 1,000 prophets and saints and spiritual messengers who have spoken the truth to humanity since the beginning of time....

You ask...

But how do we as a group decide what organization scheme we use or do we just take a scheme available and use that on our way and ... we agree on the appointment that every now and then (say each leapday) we evaluate our organizating principles because we know we just took one that was available on a certain, God-given, moment.

Yes -- true, this is a tough question. How do we decide. How do we know. How can we pick -- WHICH scheme, among many schemes...

Well, I would say, that until these ideas are understod better, it just depends on spiritual instinct -- these guiding symbols that have been placed before us by the great voices and messengers...

In this topicfield i was searching for a way to address the difference of organizing and facilitating. Maybe one of us here has a recepy?

Suppose we tried to make a map -- from simplicity to complexity -- from universal order -- to the specific density at the local level...

Maybe it would look something like this comparison:

PS, look at the quote at the bottom of this message. Yet another voice of resonance, saying the same thing, and once again, speaking for the hummingbirds, and answering this question...


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