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"In the humblest hierophany there is an eternal new beginning, an eternal return to an atemporal moment."
Shamanism, Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy - Mircea Eliade

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2 22 2 00 8
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From: Michael E.
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2008, 7:38 PM
Subject: 2 22 2 00 8
Reply to: 262387
ID: 259900

Dear All on Global Resonance

I consider that you are all potential Contributors to The New Paradigm Journal and woukld like you to cosider submitting to me a manuscript for consideration for publication

Please E Mail manuscripts to

Our survival as a species, is dependent upon the new meta Paradigm which brings together science and religion.

This is in fact happening, as we begin to see the supreme importance of consciousness, in our lives, and the significance of love, gratitude, and the essence of light from which all true wisdom emanates.

The raising of consciousness and awareness is the only way that humanity has to free itself from the potential of ecological and species catastrophe.

Our next edition of The New Paradigm Journal will be devoted to these important issues, placing emphasis on the nature of consciousness, healing and ways by which we can raise awareness, and articulate the true nature of our predicament and also the true nature of consciousness and true holistic education.

I would like to emphasize a new frame of reference as to the true nature of the human being and our connectedness with the total universe.

Your contributions will be very valuable, as we go into this new way of thinking and open a new dialogue on the nature of reality. The New Paradigm Journal is now asking for submission of papers for consideration for publication. Please include contact details and short CVs



Dr Michael Ellis

Founder and Editor New Paradigm Journal


These notes are to give you an idea of the kinds of articles we require for the new edition of the New Paradigm Journal. This e-journal is becoming quite popular and over the total of last year we had over 1,000,000 hits.

Healing and Relationships --Science and Consciousness

The current health statistics show that in the United States medical treatment is the prime cause of disability and death and comes before the second cause which is cancer and the third cause which is cardiovascular disease. These statistics are not so different in the rest of the western world. A new medicine would be aiming towards optimization of health and looking at the basic causes of illness, distress and disease, which include nutrition, environment and the effects of stress on the person.

The key to healing is relationship. Being loved is about being seen and being able to express yourself in a situation where you can be heard.

Dr. Larry Dossey has defined three eras of medicine: ---Era I, The Biomedical Model -

This model is Newtonian and based ion the body as a machine which can be manipulated with chemical agents called drugs.

---Era II Medicine –Psychosomatic medicine including psychoneuroimmunology -

This kind of medicine deals with the effects of the environment including nutrition and toxins on the body and also mind-body medicine

----Era III Medicine of light -- local and non local consciousness –

This form of medicine takes into account a new spirituality of oneness and sees the mind as non local, boundless, unlimited, eternal and infinite. This kind of medicine deals with the ability of the person to heal not only themselves, but other people through prayer at a distance and transpersonally. It is noetic medicine of oneness.

We will be exploring this understanding further through the effect of music on consciousness including: Music and Performance - raising consciousness and creating peace Music and Astro-acoustics -creating connections to star systems and sacred temples Music and Consciousness - How music works with brain waves and healing (therapeutic effects) Music and Sacred - What is sacred music and how to compose it

Education and Communication

Quote –Dr Paul Wild "Teaching is the only profession where a teacher could do a time travel over the past several hundred years and start work immediately - so familiar are the structures and layouts and power relations that they haven't changed all that much over the past 300 years. In fact our schools, hospitals and prisons have much in common both in their operations and their derivation - in my opinion from the ancient Roman bureaucratic (hierarchy and regimentation) method of organising troops - the Decurion".

Our so called enlightened post constructional pluralistic education doesn't feed the billions of hungry folk on earth, or heal the sick and dying children. It has been said that something has gone terribly, terribly wrong deep within pedagogy.

There seems to be a great divide between the educated, professional and industrial elite and normal everyday people. An academic has to follow certain prescribed rules and regulations and remain focused on his/her particular discipline. This means that in universities there is no real integration between various disciplines and rarely do scientists and academics see the whole picture. In fact, science has become a religion for the public and people accept an objective reality as being truth rather than looking at more humane issues such as values, altruism,. consciousness, conscience, or truth. These life issues are rarely dealt with in a holistic way in universities and are not subjects which are developed in educational systems.

In a way science has become a rather restrictive monolith preventing true freedom of the human spirit. Ralston Saul, the Canadian philosopher, has made the point that there is an enormous hiatus between the educated elite taught in their special schools and universities and concentrating on idealistic values and accumulation of wealth and the ordinary person who is purely fodder for sustaining an economic, political order which is creating widespread human suffering and environmental degradation.

Education is compartmentalised and does not educate for life or emotional intelligence .Education should be about building the individual citizens of tomorrow who will be able to singly and jointly t answer the question 'how then should we live together today ,for a better world tomorrow, for out children?'

The New Paradigm Journal and The Centre for Change express a new paradigm and a new spirituality encompassing a consciousness of oneness in which all life maintains itself at the expense of everything else. In other words we are all connected -not separate. The big turning is an integration of spirituality with ecology and technology.

We need to see ourselves as inextricably connected---mind, body, spirit, society, environment in which we take a holistic approach

It is not possible to conceive of a sustainable society and a sustainable and just world which does not include living more simply and cooperatively in highly self-sufficient settlements within an economy that is not driven by market forces, profit and growth

We are at Cause and we choose our modus vivendi and our reality. We also co-create the reality we live in. This is Consciousness

The key is a critical mass of change through the access of new consciousness which upholds the dignity of human life and all of life and realises the fundamental interdependence and one--ness of life

A Planetary Culture

implies science, technology, healing relationships, economics, government and education seen from the broadest perspective – not nation based, but global and holistically based, stimulating new ways of thinking to enhance our connectedness, and goes beyond isms and ideologies to recognising the sacredness of all life. It implies the creation of new art, literature and music, and the development of a life philosophy which is based on the universal principles inherent in human activity

Michael Ellis

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