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"There are many persons today who have the capacity for profounder insight into themselves. Such self-knowledge is of prime importance, because through it we approach that fundamenal stratum or core of human nature where the instincts dwell. Here are those pre-existent dynamic factors which ultimately govern the ethical decisions of our consciousness."
Memories, Dreams, Reflections - Carl Jung (edited by Aniela Jaffe)

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 6:48 PM
Subject: GRN - New Growth
Reply to: 263463
ID: 260895

Dear Bruce and Jonathan

I agree with Jonathan that some people are visual learners and I believe that is the way of the media is fast going. Is it possible for us to start posting short videos, slide shows within the network?

Perhaps you could provide a conversion system that converts visual files when they are uploaded. At present I can embed files from youtube on blogs etc. I know I am grateful that we have the ability to upload images here - but short videos and slide shows might make the Guiding Circles more visible and interactive. Maybe I'm asking too much....but I do think it will help the written word which we have here become more alive.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sun, May 11, 2008, in msg263463, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste Bruce and EveryONE,

Happy Mother's Day to all of you in the United States and the rest of the world.

Thank you again Bruce for your tireless efforts in developing an internet system that will allow for the easiest way to communicate amongst the various groups who all seem to be different spokes of the emerging " integral vision " with the Spirit of the One at the center.

If I may offer feedback regarding what you have written. There are some among us who are visual learners that need to see a symbol or visual picture of the emerging vision that you have clearly articulated in words. Is it possible to create a " mandala " that provides a symbolic representation of how the various groups are working together under the umbrella of Light Pages. This may further assist in clarifying where things are and how you/others see this vision unfolding in this evolutionary spiral of consciousness expanding throughout humanity and the planet as a whole.

Mitakuye Oyasin,


--- On Sun, May 11, 2008, in msg263460, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Dear everybody --

Happy May 11 -- Mother's Day for many of us...

Thanks for being here, and for bringing your instincts and wisdom into this appreciative environment...

Just briefly -- I wanted to review a couple of things that are going on with the GRN, and all the related projects that are emerging through us.

Though it is true that our website at is still the main center of gravity for this project, and offers a wider suite of links and options - particularly the quotes, references, "my pages", etc. -- the continuing growth and expansion of this project is currently unfolding through our network on

The primary difference is this: Global Resonance (GRN) is one network. LightPages is 100 networks -- one among them being GRN. One way to understand LightPages -- is that it is somewhat like Yahoo Groups. It's a system for building any number of independent group projects, offering a configurable suite of options that can be managed by a group administrator.

So, the GRN network, one system on -- has branched into four separate networks on -- which now include

  • Global Resonance Network (the "convening" group)
  • Love Resonance Intention
  • Spirit of the World
  • Guiding Circles

From the LightPages interface, you can easily navigate between these networks, exploring their particular meaning and purpose and membership.

Love Resonance Intention has been operating for several months, and in generally concerned with bringing spiritual energy into harmony during a particular event or time period once a month. It's also concerned with general spiritual principles, and is largely coordinated by Ram Varma and Constance Hall-Orman.

The "Spirit of the World" project -- is a newly emerging framework, that brings together several possibilities. Building on past projects, we have begun coordinating and integrating our "World Scripture" and "Interspirituality Quotes" projects (JoAnn's ""Many Voices - One Truth" quotes), with the idea that these insights form the core wisdom of the world -- more or less. As our networks continue to grow, we are supposing that it will eventually be possible to mediate the traditional and classical general truths of spirit and religion in these collections, in resonant and adaptive and fluent ways, as a kind of personal and intimate sort of spiritual guidance for a world that is seeking to unfold its decisions through highest wisdom. Perhaps network of mediator -- "priestesses" -- "resonant angels" -- call them what you will -- might find them self in this kind of service -- weaving a network of calmness, gentility, wisdom, grace, and brilliance around the world -- through relationships, through insights, through soft and informed suggestions based on interpretations of the classical truths from everywhere...

And the "Guiding Circles" project is the newest of these three. For me personally, this is now generally "where the power is". After years of exploration and co-creative evolution, it now seems clear to me that this underlying organizational principle of "circle" is the masterkey for unfolding a global spiritual renaissance.

We are working in various ways to explain why this is true -- how this principle engages everything we know about metaphysics or depth psychology or theology -- and I am persuaded that it does -- and at the same time -- we are also doing everything we can to "actually build circles" that unfold through these general principles.

So -- the mission of this Guiding Circles project tends to be two-fold: 1, explain and clarify the underlying principles and philosophic vision -- and 2, build the circles and "network of circles" that seem to unfold naturally as the expression of this underlying philosophic vision.

Anyone here is welcome to join any of these three related "sub-networks" -- though you may be requested to "apply for membership" in some cases. That's a quick and painless process, and helps us keep things simple and calm.


One other development on LightPages/GRN -- is our emerging new "LightMail" project.

LightMail -- is a networking system that is emerging in the context of the many independent groups and projects being developed through LightPages.

Whereas the "groups' (or "networks") on LightPages are organized by an administrator, in a form that can be seen as somewhat "hierarchical" -- in that the administrators make decisions about how the group is to operate, who the members are, how things are to look and be expressed -- our new LightMail feature -- is intended to turn over this level of control to every user, so that each person in the system can

  • Add their own contacts to their own private database (add your own personal contacts, or select from members of LightPages networks)
  • Create their own mailing lists or "circles" -- to which they can add these contacts
  • Make these circles available to others if desired, sharing them among members of a particular group (like GRN or Love Resonance Intention) -- or in an "intergroup" way, that builds circles and networks that span the membership of several groups. In this way, for example, someone who was a member of Gather the Women and Love Resonance Intention could create a new circle called (for example) "The Divine Feminine", and add members to that circle from GTW and LRIG -- or, indeed, any other LightPage network -- or, from their own personal private contact database.

We see this LightMail option as opening the way to a powerful new fluency. This approach creates a total "bottom up" freedom. No-one needs to be constrained by the group decisions of some project administrator. You can build your own network, in your own terms -- in a way that is totally overlapping and interdependent with everything else going on -- yet not be constrained or controlled by some "outside" or external decision-maker.

This freedom supports our long-range vision of "circles" -- in which we suppose that the world can conceivably call itself into graceful order and harmony through a process that involves facilitating the interaction of millions of local circles, that overlap with one another, and find a deep harmonic resonance through their common spiritual core.

That's the vision. Deal with any subject -- economic sustainability, environmentalism, water or air -- you name it -- the human community can and must come together in resonant council to decide its collective future. No top-down administration, no small group or leader making the decision for every one else. Instead, collective intelligence emerges in a bottom-up way from everywhere -- and the network of circles process brings it together through it common harmonic resonance.

Take a look. Feel free to explore some of these options. A new world is dawning, and a new vision is being formed. The pieces can come together, in a powerful and immaculate and graceful way. Our deepest spiritual instincts are being confirmed. New doors are opening, new rivers are beginning to flow, new evolutionary pathways are being conceived.



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