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"While remaining transcendent to all created things, the divine spirit involved itself in the birth of the material universe. The process that followed, the uneven but inexorable emergence of ever higher organization from matter to life to humankind, is then – at the heart of it – the unfolding of hidden divinity."
The Life We Are Given, A Long-Term Program for Realizing the Potential of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul - George Leonard and Michael Murphy

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 12:48 PM
Subject: GRN - Are you in a Circle?
Reply to: 263482
ID: 260916

Looking around to gather up some images that can diagram this essetially very-simple way of coming together, there is this...

Namaste in me connects to Namaste in you. That makes two of us. If there there are 12 of us sitting in a circle, we can interconnect the Namaste energies around the rim of the circle -- or connect them all together, like the spokes of a wheel, at the center of the circle....

These white lines, these threads -- are the "crystal cords", as they say in western esotericism -- interconnecting the "Holy Christ Selves" to the Great Central Sun. "I AM the Vine, ye are the branches..." said one preacher...

This is SO simple -- and so open and powerful, so natural, so organic, so obvious....

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