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From: Judy G.
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2008, 2:55 AM
Subject: Important Message from the Trees in my Village
ID: 261051

A Teaching from the Ancient Trees in my Village

This morning on my daily walk I chanced to look at a group of trees in the distance that I look at every morning. But today I actually saw them. This is a grove of 4 majestic oak and beech trees. In winter they are handsome see-through individuals but today clothed in foliage they had become a new verdant entity lush with power that was radiating throughout the countryside. In that moment I received an understanding. When there is a group of living beings clustered together they are able to create something totally new that is incredibly more powerful than when they are separated. This new throbbing green being that 4 trees had co created told me that yes, it is important to come together for us humans thus creating a new entity pulsing with potential. And in addition, we humans have the great gift of intention. Imagine what we as a group are capable of doing! Imagine us connected together in groups around this planet bound in caring intention!.

I find this an empowering message for all groups who come together with a special purpose. Of course, I had to think of our Sophia World Women's Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria in May 2010 as well as the yet frail movement towards the Gathering of Women in Europe with which I am intricately involved . And most of all this was a special greeting to the many, many people from all over the world now meeting in Bonn, Germany dedicatedly working on the protection and importance of global biodiversity.

Thank you, dear trees, for this important teaching!

Judy Grosch, Bernried,Germany Sunday, 18 of May, 2008

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