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"The power, love, and wisdom of God gently bestow upon each individual creature of the creation the blessedness of opportunity to know God without limit."
Saint Germain on Alchemy - Mark L. and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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From: Richard (Rich) O.
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2008, 12:20 PM
Subject: The Canyon
Reply to: 263632
ID: 261076

One more story about the canyon. My brother Paul and I decided to
hike from Oro Vista up the canyon to Camp Bill Lane, and hunt for
frogs along the way. I carried a thin metal shaft which was sharpened
on one end. We called it our toad stabber. As we traversed along the
side of the canyon on a narrow trail which had a steep drop off
towards the wash, I was stopped dead in my tracks by the sound of a
rattle. I quickly looked to my right, and there at eye ball level was
a large, coiled, rattlesnake. His head was moving side to side as he
flicked out his forked tongue. I froze. My mind was reeling. Beads
of sweat popped out on my forehead. I was trying to remember what I
had learned from my years of training in the Boy Scouts. On an
impulse I slowly raised my right hand with that sharpened shaft
pointing in the direction of that menacing diamond shaped head. Then
with one quick motion I hurled that shaft with all my might. The
snake sprung at me at that very moment, and was impaled to the bank by
the shaft. God had other plans for the snake....
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