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From: Albert J.
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2008, 8:45 PM
Subject: canyon...dark side/motorcycle accidents
Reply to: 263670
ID: 261103

Switching to happier memories... relatively.

Guys, do you remember Coach Crippin's "Lazy U"? For some reason, we didn't seem to resent that sort of treatment back then.

Anybody remember Lucky's 5+10? One time as I left the store Lucky came running out and searched my pockets. He had counted his squirt guns and thought one was missing. He didn't even apologize when he found nothing. I never went in there again.

How about a portly middle-aged female Spanish teacher who sneaked candy out of her desk when she thought no one was looking? I earned my only F from her.

Then there was Ralph Wickson (sp?). One time he was showing an older man a little thing that they were peeping into. They both were chuckling about what was inside. I asked him what was in there and he angrily replied NAKED WOMEN! Scared the hell out of me. Never asked him a question again.

As for both Lucky (what a name) and Ralph, I always felt well accompanied in their stores because they followed me everywhere and watched like eagles. I am sure their meager incomes were impacted by theft but I never stole anything in my life and, in retrospect, it really gave me the creeps.

I subsequently spent a few decades teaching children and found it pretty easy to identify with children's frustration and feeling of helplessness when they've been treated unfairly.

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