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From: Gregory H.
Date: Monday, May 19, 2008, 12:41 PM
Subject: [Fwd: Together we saved 48 State Parks]
ID: 261151

We did it!

________________________________________________________________ Hi Gregory,

Thanks to your e-mails and generous contributions, today Gov. Schwarzenegger REMOVED the proposal to close 48 state parks and 16 state beaches from his budget plan.

I'm really relieved, and proud, that we were able to stop this plan - - together.

Once the governor proposed closing 48 state parks we jumped into action. Meeting with staff in the governor's office, working with the media, and working with all of you, we demonstrated strong opposition to the proposal to close the parks.

In one week, more than 31,000 of us e-mailed the governor and asked him to keep the parks open. The good news is that he heard us and for now the parks are safe, but this campaign has taught us that the parks need more protection. For years, funding for the parks has gone down.

While this is not the end of the fight -- we will now need to make sure we have a long term plan for protecting our parks -- it is a huge victory.

So pat yourself on the back and get ready for the next battle. We need to reverse the trend of park funding and ensure that we can protect our parks for future generations. Thanks for all your hard work.


Dan Jacobson Environment California Legislative Director

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail with your family and friends.

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