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From: Joann K.
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 8:01 AM
Subject: Wisdom Circle
Reply to: 263488
ID: 261201

Good Day to you, dear EveryOne,

Last week Bruce asked us to share the ‘circles’ we are in, what they mean to us, how they bear fruit in our lives, etc.

So, I’d like to share the following: Like everyone, I’m a part of many circles, so many circles that when the idea is pondered upon, they seem to be almost infinite……or REALLY infinite, I should say.

There are the obvious ones like family circles, and work circles; friendships and economic ties, circles of breath swirling within and through each other. There are our blessed circles here, where much love and wisdom shine forth from heart to heart, nourishing, healing, wonderful circles, a very real spiritual community.

I feel joyful and honored to be a part of all of these circles. Without these bonded webs, I wouldn’t be who I am, or know who I am, or be able to express who I am in my daily life, thoughts, and actions.

Yet there is an even more fundamental circle to which I belong – to which All of us belong – and this is the Great Big Wisdom Circle which makes its glorious rounds through our collective Human/Divine Psyche throughout the ages, in all places, in all kinds of people.

From everywhere, they gather around the One round table. From everywhere and everywhen they bring their fully resonant In-sights into our One Nature, empowering us, encouraging us, guiding us into an ever-more-conscious Awareness of Who we really are in this One Circle of Life.

This Wise Circle of our spiritual elders and sisters and brothers gives us empirical verification of the One Truth we are working to manifest, in all of our gathered circles today, on the internet and throughout the world…..They Knew, they KNOW, these wise ones who plunge to the depths of our Oneness and bring it to the light of our resonant Awareness, in simple words which we can all understand….which makes it easier to bring a total integrity to our present circle Work. Together they all prove that we are on the right track when we gather in community, when we speak of Oneness manifesting, when we speak of the Divine which flows from our hearts. They confirm us to our depths.

When we Know – when we really See it laid all out for us in a format where all these Wise Ones are testifying to the same One thing, despite their varied lifestyles, creeds and cultures, then we can Know of a surety that we are on the right Way, and we will carry with us all those who have preceeded us, we will open out to the fullness of our collective Wisdom, and how this Wisdom binds us in that One Divine Circle which encompasses and cherishes us All, each and everyOne.

For me, this Wise Human/Divine Circle is the One Circle which encompasses all the other circles I belong to, the One Circle which gives all the others meaning and purpose. Knowing that so many thousands of people throughout history have Known this precious One in a living, real Way, confirms my own deepest intuitions and gives empirical verification to all efforts of Oneness within every circle I enter…..

………and it is important, I feel, to reach the ‘lost ones’ with this huge Wisdom Circle. There are many poor Souls out there yet who are floundering in ignorance, and we must not forget them as we huddle cozy in our spiritually-aware circles. There are many who have never heard of Oneness, whose hearts cry out in agony to ‘make sense of it all’, to find a Way of living which will bring them happiness and the greatest fulfillment. They must learn of their Living Wholeness, they must be given the opportunity to open their hearts to the Truth of who they really are. They must enter the One Circle with us, and they Will, for it is decreed in the depths of our collective Consciousness that they shall……we must do our part to see that Humanity’s real collective Wisdom flows into their aching hearts and souls.

…….listen quietly and openly to the round Song of the One which can be heard in the following voices, calling to us from everywhere and everywhen, calling us all to a Resonance more full-bodied and empowered than perhaps anything we have seen in the past……….perhaps you know someone with an aching heart who would welcome this healing Word……….

“The only One breathed breathless by itself. Other than It there nothing since has been.” The Hymn of Prajapati in the Rig Veda, quoted in ‘Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery’, Cranston/Head, editors, Julian Press 1977, p. 37

“We would shout it in words of fire that oneness is.” ‘The Findhorn Garden’, by the Findhorn Community, Harper & Row 1975, p. 88

“It is now, all at once, one, continuous….Nor is it divisible more here and less there….but it is full of what is.” Heraclitus, Fragment 8 , quoted in ‘Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science’, edited by Christopher Bamford, Lindisfarne Books 1994, p. 137

“The One embraces all sides.” The Zohar, The Book of Radiance, quoted in ‘The Other Bible’, edited by Willis Barnstone, HarperCollins 1984, p. 715

“In one, all things are harmonized.” Cleanthes (d. 232 bce), quoted by Donald Spoto, Ph.D., ‘In Silence: Why We Pray’, Penguin Compass 2004, p. 54

“Hail, One, thou mighty being of myriad forms and aspects, thou king of the world!” Ancient Egyptian text, quoted by E. A. Wallis Budge, ‘Egyptian Religion: Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life’, Arkana 1987, p. 32

“Think in a vocabulary of oneness.” Caroline Myss, ‘Anatomy of the Spirit’, Harmony Books 1996, p. 286

“The One who is is one, and all are one.” The Second Discourse of Great Seth, quoted by Marvin Meyer, ‘The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus’, Harper/Collins 2005, p. 259

“God is one, that is to say, in nature there is but one substance.” Benedict Spinoza, ‘Ethics’, translated by W. H. White, Wordsworth 2001, p. 14

“There is but one principle of all things.” St. Augustine, ‘The City of God’, Image 1958, p. 230

“The One Force, the All-Powerful Source of existence and the prime mover of the activities and motions of beings…is inside each being.” Amadou Hampate Ba, ‘Aspects de la civilisation africaine’, quoted by T. C. McLuhan, ‘The Way of the Earth’, Simon & Schuster 1994, p. 338

“The multiple rises, attracted and incorporated by the ‘Already One.’” Pierre Teilhard deChardin, ‘Building the Earth’, Dimension Books 1965, p. 62

“I am thee, thou art me, we are One. I love me, love thee, love the One.” John C. Lilly, M.D., ‘The Center of The Cyclone’, Bantam 1973, p. 122*

*Thousands more quotes like this can be found in our Quotes section, with special categories which explain the dynamics of our One Nature and give us many insights for fruitful meditation and effective work.

Much love to you all,


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