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"The self is eternal – life continues to be, it is everlasting."
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi On The Bhagavad-Gita - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, June 2, 2008, 3:03 AM
Subject: Uniquely Experiencing Life
Reply to: 264098
ID: 261527

hello Wolfgang , nice & fine to meet you here with Ram, who is addressed by your writing ...

while we are a forum of various intervals , or say intervalues , openings are immanent to all participants as i allow my pretty self, so:

"Realization of REALITY consequently leads to switch perception from a mostly prejudiced mode into a more authentic mode."

and you defined REALITY: accept REALITY "unadorned"

This calls to me for the comparison between the Magician & the Mystic, defined by the Mystic being a being who relates to all that is and doesnot do a thing, and a Magician who also pretends that motto and makes the best out of it for him/herself (and then skip the motto where it suits as common practice)

A third type may pop up in this languaged space - then, how is s/he described.

"Begetting Reality & Leaving All positions you 'have' for a healing interval may do the S'ilent Connection"

"Uniquely Experiencing Life" is a Good Slogan to address to the individual; can it also be a slogan that gathers couple / group / nation / context-Wise?

So , i and you and others might be driven to *efine our commons - addressing at least 3 integral weaved essences in/directed to all who may be co*cerned: BEFINE / REFINE / DEFINE & BE FINE by Integral Planetary Realization. Maybe this addressing is parallel to the mission of CMS/Lucknow & its advisors for Awakening Planetary Consciousness?

Zum Wohl MenschSein ;-{

Namasté S'ace

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