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"Understand that obedience to the laws of God as these have been set forth by the great prophets and teachers of all time in the sacred scriptures of the world will lead you to the place where you can move forward in the cycles of self-mastery that are even now unfolding."
The Human Aura - Kuthumi and Djwal Kul

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, June 2, 2008, 5:10 AM
Subject: Uniquely Experiencing Life
Reply to: 264100
ID: 261529

Dear Wolfgang , thanks for your affirmationS!

by talking and walking this over & over again i became aware of the next balance to this topics title:

Uniquely Experiencing Life
Live the Experience (it can only be unique & challenging p*ace)

Grussgott, s'ace
(supposing you are from southern GERmany)

::*:: is a symbolic integral symbol for 13 : 2x4 dots and a star with 5 radiant fingers (including 1 thumb-le)

---- On Mon, Jun 2, 2008, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear S'ace -

thanks for your comments and questions.

"Uniquely Experiencing Life" is a Good Slogan to address to the individual; can it also be a slogan that gathers couple / group / nation / context-Wise?

I feel: YES, of course. Finally it concernes the same identical soul as we are one.

BEFINE / REFINE / DEFINE & BE FINE by Integral Planetary Realization. Maybe this addressing is parallel to the mission of CMS/Lucknow & its advisors for Awakening Planetary Consciousness?

Again YES: It Is!

with Love to all, Wolfgang


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