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From: Bruce S.
Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 9:54 AM
Subject: test of editor
ID: 262171

This message is composed in rtf.

  1. it seems to work so far
  2. the format of the post message page seems coherent (he says)

Suppose I want to insert something here, and put that something into a new font, like this:

this is now comic sans large -- does this work cool?

what if i want to indent a major section?

ok, this is now indented.

does it stay that way?  the answer seems to be yes.  but what if i want to add some colors or fonts?

this is now tahoma size large

this should go back to times new roman

and this should now be red

does this still work?  so far, the answer is -- yeah, kinda, mostly -- but i can't get the preview to read the default times new roman font....

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