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From: Melanie M.
Date: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 10:06 AM
Subject: Favorite writer
Reply to: 264731
ID: 262172

Margret Atwood is a favorite of mine too. She is someone with whom I would love to have lunch. (haha) The best thing about being older is I can re-read my favorite books without remembering the first time.

Say, is anyone out there a fan of Will James and his book "Smoky the cow horse"? He did all the illustrations, powerful images. I won award in 1926 and I read it when I was about 10 and fell in love. If you did too, let me know and I can tell you some historical things about Will James, a real cowboy. Melanie Meehan-Crossley s 59 ------ On 7/1/08, Dave Ijams wrote ------

One of my favorite writers, whom I cannot recall right now, stated in an interview, when asked what she would like to see improved in contemporary writing, mentioned she would like to see "whom" revived.

Just trying to do my duty as I see it.


P.S. It just came to me; Margret Atwood.

------ On 7/1/08, Russell Auswacks-Anders wrote ------

Well, I must say, Dave, that you still are very succinct. Not to be critical, but drop the "whom." hehe



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