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From: Burt K.
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 7:32 PM
Subject: Leonard Ross S59 Meridian
Reply to: 264936
ID: 262387

Burt Kanner S’57 The link to the Mike Wallace interview with Lenny Ross provided some powerful memories. Lenny didn’t name any friends in that interview, but my brother Larry Kanner S’59 was one. I remember that special group which included Danny Alderson and David Nurse. There were times when I would drive them to one event or another and marvel at the level of conversation. I first encountered Lenny at Hough’s pool, where I worked. I remember hearing a voice coming from below the opposite side of the counter asking to use the phone with the apology that it since it was business phone, he said, “I shall not be long”. I followed listening to the interview by doing a Google search on Lenny. This site, titled “THE EARLY DEATH OF A BEDEVILED GENIUS” explains a lot more about Lenny’s life and death. res=9400E5D91639F936A15756C0A963948260&sec=health&spon=&pagewanted=all As I became a math teacher, I was more aware of the “gifted child” than most of my peers. It was not long before I was being sent those students. Since my move to Salem, Oregon, I have taken a greater role within the district of serving the TAG (Talented and Gifted) math students. It was because of my brother, Danny, David, and Lenny that I had an understanding of the need for curricula which challenged and motivated these students. I doubt that any of them had any knowledge of the impact they had on me and how it has benefited others of their ilk.

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