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"A perception of truth is inherent in the deepest substance of the consciousnes; a sense of the good, true, beautiful, the Divine, is its privilege."
A Greater Psychology, An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought - Sri Aurobindo, edited by A. S. Dalal

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From: Bonnie M.
Date: Saturday, August 9, 2008, 1:32 PM
Subject: In*Connection and Community
ID: 263339

--- On Fri, Aug 8, 2008, in msg263328, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

JONATHAN.. hang in there sweet Being of life.. we are all feeling the "strain" but this too shall pass. We are here- holding the formation. 
Blessings, Bonnie Kelley
In reference to Bonnie Kelly's message;

Small stories from Venice, Ca.

You certainly are speaking out of my soul...thank you!  You brought up memories of the great art deco murals, painted in the 40's of of Strong, 
Healthy Women, Men & Children, Adonis looking warriors, ready to build, uplift and create an America to be proud of living in this country's 
Garden of Eden.  This is how I was raised, in the country, in the city....Fearless & Fun.  
As a child in Chicago & Michigan farms, I was always afraid of the dark until the 60's in eve. on my 60's Acid trip.  The darkness 
presented its scary self, then softened and became my friend.  It connected me to the childhood stories of Indians, where they walked in the soft, 
quiet forest moonlight with all of nature connected as FRIEND & LOVER.  This is real.  The trees are willing to talk when we get quiet and listen.

Later other unexpected sporadic spiritual gifts were given along my path to show the light in all its pulsating Glory, that is around us and in us, at 
all times.   But the one message that constantly returns in these stressful times of forgetting & remembering is;

Quiet/ Loud /Gods gentle/fierce voice; "Not to worry ~ All Will Be In LOVE ~  Its All MY GAME!"
Sounds like new age Ego-trite-ness to see it printed.  But to have openly  surrendered, (or been karmic-ly forced) to these experiences is not trite 
and shakes one to the core of a POWER so real that we are immersed in at all times......(that holds all the plantet's in perfect place). 
I read in a book that the name of God is unspeakable....but words are what I have and the flame of love is right here, right now.

Bonnie Kay Soules... in Venice

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