Global Resonance Network Go to your Light Center
"The Christian 'unio mystico', Jewish 'devekut', Muslin 'fana', Hindu 'samadhi', and Zen 'Kensho' manifest the same intense consciousness of ultimate reality's underlying unity and goodness."
Spiritual Genius, The Mastery of Life's Meaning - Winifred Gallagher

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From: Jane A.
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 1:26 PM
Subject: test
Reply to: 263368
ID: 263369

greetings!! it's a big 10/4 good buddy;) Bless you/all!

---- On Tue, Aug 12, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

try this again, hey gang

---- On Tue, Aug 12, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

is this working



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