Global Resonance Network Go to your Light Center
"God's action penetrates every atom of your body; indeed, into the very marrow of your bones." Jean-Pierre de Caussade
In Silence: Why We Pray - Donald Spoto, Ph.D.

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008, 10:44 AM
Subject: Finding center....
ID: 263372

"God is the centre of any one thing – a centre the periphery of which is nowhere."
Robert Fludd, Western Esoteric Masters Series William Huffman, editor

Hmmm. What is the subject....

Well, maybe this quote is a hint. This GRN site might be working, and I'm taking a look at UCS, which is offline right now for who knows how many reasons --

But one theme that is floating around -- is this theme of overlapping or congruent center-points...

Ok, some of this we know about already. My personal centerpoint overlaps with your personal centerpoint connects the two of us horizontally in a "namaste" vibration, and probably links us both together in a vertical way as well. We've pretty-much agreed on that for years...

But UCS runs on That domain was conceived many years ago -- as a "centerpoint for cyberspace".

That might get a little heady for most people -- but it's a fascinating flirtation...

For years, I had this idea I called "The Postulation of ORIGIN" -- the idea of which was -- yes, every individual has an internal centerpoint. But the historical shift will occur when we "postulate" (affirm, stipulate, create, establish) an intentional external common center....

ORIGIN -- the absolute coordinate origin of the conscious/intentional world, the zero-point of the coordinate frame for cooperative reality...

Well, pretty wild stuff. Heavy-duty spiritual engineering.

Ok, this is really just a test message, saying hello. It's an amazing theme, though. An intentional external centerpoint, defined as the absolute coordinate origin of The One.

That idea -- is the real reason I built UCS in the first place, and the reason I bought that domain name about 1994 or 1995. An absolute center for cyberspace.....

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