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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 9:28 AM
Subject: UCS Vision
ID: 263379

Good morning.

Just down from that little hike above the clouds, up Painted Cave road...

And continuing to consider -- the future of UCS --

This vision, these words -- were put together about 1996. Today, just meditating on these themes, they seem as simple and clear as ever.

Maybe these words express the objectives of this resonance network as well....

This morning, I am just -- letting myself feel my forward regarding the next phase for UCS. I took the system offline because the MS Access databases were crashing -- and I don't know for sure whether they would work correctly right now or now -- though my guess is, they probably will (my guess -- and it is only a guess -- is that the crashing was caused by a huge Access database on -- but I don't know that for sure).

So, I could simply put UCS back the way it was a week or two ago, and simply take up where we left off.

Or -- I could say something like -- hey, we have 42,000 email messages up there right now. Let's archive those, and look in some new directions.

Taking this approach, we might say, OK, we will make the old UCS site fully available -- but turn off the Forum system -- and replace it with something else -- maybe something a little more to the point, something a little more focused on this core vision...


Just speaking for myself -- I am not too excited about supporting a network for miscellaneous off-topic messages, on any subject anybody cares to bring up. We've been doing that for twelve years -- to me, that feels like enough.

But, somebody might say, hey Bruce -- you got all these other networks where you can take the subject anywhere you want. How about leaving UCS open. What's the problem?

Well, let's see -- the problem is -- my little soul is tired of just anything that comes along. I might be a lot more interested in UCS -- if we actually had the energy to pursue this agenda...

When UCS was first created, back in January 1996 -- the idea was, if you believe in this credo, please join UCS. If you don't -- well, think about it....

Back in those days, we had some discussion on that theme, and I more or less because persuaded that I wanted to run a fully open network, with as few rules and structure as possible. Let everybody speak, say whatever they want -- as long as they are respectful of one another...

So, over time, the idea that this was a credo for all UCS was replaced by the idea that anyone could join UCS -- and we would say that this statement was an article of faith for "Lightweavers". Lightweavers became a special phase of UCS, where joining was an option...

So, maybe what I am saying right now is -- I kind of like the way this simple statement looks.

Something in me says -- hmm, yes, that looks right. Now, given 12 years of experience, and everything you have learned along the way -- if you were to take this up again, how would you do it?

Suppose we were to say

  • We are looking for people who basically understand and agree with this statement
  • We will provide some ways that these people can actually work on building this "Network of Light"
  • We will solicit suggestions and contributions, and will consider rewording this language, if need be -- though it has already withstood the test of time pretty well...
  • So, maybe what we are saying is -- if this is what you want to do, here are some options you can pursue....

Now, there is no doubt that this so-called Network of Light is all over the place these days. There are many wonderful projects popping up all over the place. One I was looking yesterday is called The Harmony Project -- it's almost a re-statement of the UCS vision, as rephrased 12 years later by some interfaith people on the east coast...

And we've been looking at some other great links lately...

This whole question is just sort of floating along with me right now. Should I just put UCS back the way it was -- or move it ahead in some new ways, a little more focused on the core objectives....


What about discussing the power of center-point? That's what "origin" is all about. What about coalescence, and -- "resonance" -- and the so-called "highest insights of all religions" (whatever those are). What about -- some kind of "teamwork" -- ??

Or do we just say -- well, let this thing float. We're not quite ready for new phase yet, the energy has not been released, just let it flow as it was....


Ok, I am going to send this message over this quote from Black Elk...

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