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From: Ken W.
Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 9:22 PM
Subject: Memories
Reply to: 263480
ID: 263482

I screwed up that last post. Anyhow the answer to Ellen's questions are in 1948 the phone company moved to Foothill and Woodward from Apperson and Plainview. The drive-in opened in 1950.

For you history buffs, in 1923 the phone company moved from the private residence of Mrs. Lippincott in Sunland to its new building at Los Angeles and Palm Streets (Plainview and Apperson).


My grandfather and mother worked for the phone company when it was located at Plainview and Apperson (One of my mom's sister also worked for the phone company after it moved to Foothill and Woodward). In fact we use to live right around the corner on Yates Street.

Now that I think about it Ellen's mother used to work for the phone company at one time.

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