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"In the Gospel of Mary the 'Son of Man' is the child of true Humanity, the Image of the Divine Realm that exists within every person. It is identified as the true Image of nature to which the disciples are supposed to conform, the image of humanity's true spiritual nature."
The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle - Karen L. King

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From: Karen F.
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 3:55 PM
Subject: Car trouble
Reply to: 263628
ID: 263653

We just had truck trouble in Stanley, ID. We belong to Good Sam Premier Road Service. They got us towed to a good garage and our truck fixed and back on the road in two days. I'm thinking that for travelers it is best to belong to some sort of organization.

For those of you who don't know, Stanley, ID is a little blip in the road 60 miles above Sun Valley, ID and has no services to speak of.

Karen (Florance) Burdett

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