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From: Harold L.
Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 12:09 AM
Subject: Teenage Angst
Reply to: 263584
ID: 263662

Holy smokes...I almost fell off my chair laughing. ROFLMAO.

BTW, I was a skinny little kid that was picked on quite a bit when I was growing up. Maybe that is why I joined the Marines and spent so many years studying martial arts. ;) I figured a lot of things out after I did that. The therapy and the butchering helped a lot too.

Anyway, great tongue in cheek....

Mark Lurtsema (1978)

------ On 8/20/08, Russell Auswacks-Anders wrote ------

I for one do not wish to re-live my teenage years. I think right now these are the best years of my life. What most of you don't know or perhaps cannot appreciate is that there were some of us that were discriminated against and intimidated while in high school. I got over the "angst" I felt during that period and, except for the occasional accidental chain saw butchering, and the unfortunate incident of misplacing Jimmy Hoffa's body, I feel I have adjusted quite well.



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