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From: Bruce S.
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 7:53 AM
Subject: RTF editor on LightPages
ID: 264098

Ok, this is another test of the RTF editor.

Jeanie, I put you on the recipient list for this.  I have done some tuning to get this editor working, and it might be getting close.

The options

  1. Any group can offer the use of the RTF editor on the Bulletin Board.  The default is to not offer it.
  2. If it is offered by the group, the individual user is then presented with the choice of which editor they want to use -- basic or RTF
  3. When a user makes a selection, that choice is saved to their personal preferences -- which they can also update/edit from their "My Preferences" page

Issues that have been coming up on this...

  1. I discovered that the "weird behaviour" we were getting -- line of code appearing at the top of the screen, indication that Flash is loading, etc. -- was caused by a line of code in the header defining a particular html profile that is apparently inconsistent with the RTF scripts. So, I removed that line, and it seems to be working now.
  2. I am not sure that RTF messages are always delivered reliably by email.  It's going to take some testing to make sure this format gets through spam filters, and other points where it might be blocked.
  3. Sometimes the "bullet point" feature -- that I am using right now -- seems to act up, and stop working.  I don't know what causes that, though I think it is affected by code and writing at lower points in the message -- like when replying, or inserting something.

But so far, this set of bullets seems to be working fine.

Some other things to deal with include cleaning up conflicts between style-sheet definitions and the fonts and layout choices made in the RTF editor.  We need something like "no style sheet" on the RTF layouts -- because the stylesheet definitions over-rule the choices selected by the author.

So, this conflict needs to be resolved in the message preview, in the online message display, and when sent by email.  I have taken some steps to fix this in preview and email -- I have to do something for the online messages.

Another thing I might want to do, to make the entire process a little more secure and stable -- is offer a way to "save a draft copy" of whatever is being composed.  I put this feature on the Global Resonance Network, and found it works very well.  You can work on something for an hour, then decide not to finish it, and it will be there when you come back....

Ok, let's try some font variations.

this is an indent

this is another indent

this is an outdent

and another

this is bold underlined italics.  looks good so far.

now what?  let's go back to the default -- which is times new roman small.

out of the green?

seems to be ok.  Let me try sending this and see what happens.


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