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From: Martha R.
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 8:35 AM
Subject: Serious Issues and Actions that Must Be Addressed Soon
ID: 264101

Dear Conference Conveners and Participants:

As an attorney, human rights advocate, and proponent of the 5WWC, I am very troubled and concerned by recent postings regarding the formation and governance of the Sophia Women's Conference. These reports and other sources allege that:

-- A member (or members) of the leadership team has formed a private corporation to assume ownership of the assets of this community-based project without the full knowledge and consent of the community, or of the Executive Board;
-- Substantive and long term business agreements with co-founders and other organizations have been altered or severed without appropriate communications or considerations, and executed in a way that is detrimental to stakeholders and to the conference itself;
-- Matters of legal and organizational consequence are being decided and implemented without appropriate notifications or participation of the executive team, and/or without the approval of the Board;
-- Members of theTeam and community who have disageed with, spoken out against or attempted to intervene regarding these decisions and behaviors have been ostracised, labeled as "attackers" and defamed, privately and publicly,
-- Inappropriate and potentially libelous statements have been broadcast online and in public forums;

Speaking as a concerned community member, not as an attorney or an official advisor in any capacity, I want to underscore that these are very serious allegations which represent significant potential liabilities to the organization and to the individuals involved.

If any or all of these allegations are true, (and I have witnessed firsthand that at least some of them are), it would suggest either a lack of sufficient executive experience, professionalism and sound judgment to govern properly; a lack of knowledge and/or regard for the law; and/or a lack of appropriate consideration for members of the leadership team and for the community at large.

Again speaking as a "concerned citizen" not as your advisor, I would personally suggest that all parties involved obtain independent legal counsel directly and immediately. I would further suggest that you, as an organization, retain a team of experienced and capable mediators and facilitators to assist you in talking through your issues in a civil, professional and open manner, and that concrete agreements be formulated and drafted, and adhered to going forward.

Finally, I would urge that an independent and objective community advisory board be formed to participate more closely with the decision-making process going forward, supporting the Management Team with the ongoing development of the Conference and related initiatives, and without inhibiting the role of the Executive Team and Board.

These provisions are quite traditional, and should be part of any well-run participative organization. Had these steps been taken from the beginning, I have little doubt the current misunderstandings would have been largely averted. Regardless, these issues MUST be dealt with responsibly and immediately, if the project is to survive and thrive.

Despite the missteps and current misunderstandings, it is clear to me this conference has been established by a team of accomplished and talented women who are dedicated to the project. Each of them has worked very hard and deserves our respect and support, and the respect and support of each other.

I have rarely seen ANY significant venture or relationship that did not undergo serious growing pains, relationship differences, and pivotal turning points in their development. Those that rise to the occasion go on to do great things. And those that don't, fall by the wayside as a good idea that could have been.

The choices are up to us, and to you. I hope you will choose ethically, wisely, and soon.

Martha Rogers

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