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"The materialization of a form originates upon the archetypal planes, through the agency of divine thought, and from thence (through directed streams of intelligent energy) acquires substance as it is reproduced upon each plane, until eventually, upon the physical plane, the form stands revealed at its densest point of manifestation."
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Alice A. Bailey

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 1:43 PM
Subject: Int'l Day of Peace - TXT 4 PEACE
ID: 264625

Dear Friends,

It is only a few more days until the International Day of Peace on Sunday, 21 September!

CNN's iReport, a news-oriented kind of youtube, just launched a special page for the International Day of Peace - ! Just get registered and put your calls for world leaders and personal peace stories in videos, photos and texts online to everyone to see. We would love to know about what YOU think and do for peace! And if you are lucky, your story will be broadcasted by CNN.

Our TXT 4 PEACE campaign is getting bigger and bigger. We have received several hundred messages so far. Have a look at ! Thanks so much for that!

Please keep sending your text messages to world leaders with the word 'PEACE' and then your message to 69866 (in the US only) or send an online message from We are trying to receive 10.000 text messages and several thousand online messages by Sunday, 21 September! So please help us to spread the word.

Thank you so much for your support. All this would not happen without you!

Best wishes from UN Headquarters in New York,

The UN International Day of Peace Team By sending a message you give permission to the United Nations to publish it in any media. See for the terms and conditions of the participation in the campaign.

Melanie Nolte
Associate Information Officer
Peace and Security Section
Department of Public Information

Tel: +1 917 367 0262
Fax: +1 917 367 9737

United Nations
Room S-1005
New York, NY 10017

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