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From: Wolfgang F.
Date: Friday, September 19, 2008, 1:27 PM
Subject: The Interspirit Foundation - 501c3
Reply to: 264648
ID: 264649

Congratulations, dear Bruce - that really is good news .....

let us see what can be done,




--- On Fri, Sep 19, 2008, in msg264648, Bruce Schuman wrote --- Hi.... Just want to mention -- that earlier this week, I received the "501c3" tax-exempt status from the US Internal Revenue Service that governs taxation in the USA. That means that I -- and this new corporation, with its board of directors -- are now legally able to solicit tax-deductible donations for the work we are undertaking. This is a big step, and quite exciting. It means we are now in a position to approach foundations and funding agencies, as a credible and legally-recognized institution and framework, and it means that funders and grant-making agencies are far more likely to respond favorably to our requests for support. Most funders in the USA, in fact -- simply will not look at a grant application from any group or organization that does not have 501c3 status from the IRS. So -- with this new credibility now sitting on my desktop -- I am now beginning to organize what I expect will become a sustained and high-dimensional fund-raising program. With this new status, we can draw up powerful and exciting designs for things we would like to do -- and we can offer a wide range of network development services for things we can do, or could do. One idea that excites me in all of this -- is that it seems we can simply approach the entire project from the point of view of free-lance contracting -- meaning that we can go out there, and sell a wide variety of services that we can offer today. And we can pick and choose those services and actions and clients, in such a way so that everyone we are working with are drawn into the large and rather amazing framework of this "global resonance network" -- and everything that goes with it. I am still feeling my way into this. I am starting to build up the "Board of Directors" (an essential part of the legal framework), and beginning to put together some basic and introductory marketing materials and descriptions. We have been doing some amazing things for quite a while, and we have put together an amazing and powerful vision. Now -- we can out there and knock on doors, and start rounding up the serious money it will take to turn this vision into a reality. I think it can happen. I am personally feeling quite charged on this subject -- and just have the feeling that it is going to flow through us like lightning. Yes -- we need money. It's been a tough haul, to hold this amazing network together with almost no financial support. But there is every reason to suppose we can get that financial support -- and with it, the energy level of this project can go straight up... So, of course, like they say -- the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This 501c3 is just one step -- but it's a great one....




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