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A Hidden Wholeness, The Journey Toward An Undivided Life - Parker J. Palmer

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From: Jane A.
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2008, 7:47 PM
Subject: The Interspirit Foundation - 501c3
Reply to: 264669
ID: 264707

Amen and God's blessings to each and everyOne of you, deeply and abundantly!

I love you all so very deeply and when I have more time, I've so much to share!

Peter, you book [IS] so great & I thank you for writing it. I do hope the rest of you will be able to indulge yourSelves as it is so very healing indeed.

My love and blessings, Jane

--- On Sat, Sep 20, 2008, in msg264669, Bruce Schuman wrote ---


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