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"Compassion is the 'keen awareness of the interdependence of all living things which are all part of one another and involved in one another,' as Thomas Merton observed."
The Coming of the Cosmic Christ - Matthew Fox

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From: Janet T.
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 6:19 PM
Subject: Alternative to ADOPTION
ID: 264729

My friend was in India ad met a man who had set up an Orphanage in India after meeting a 7yo homeless boy. If you go to this web site you will see an amazing story unfold. You will also see the alternative o removing children from their country of birth and maybe evenget a glimpse of a better aproach to cild protection. helping whole communities is much better than takeing the children away. Please consider encouraging this unique Orphanage and it's vision for the community. Peace Janet

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