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"The integrity of an individual life, no less than of the collective life that is culture, depends upon the myths. Their archetypal themes give form and meaning. Falling out of meaning, out of touch with archetypal structuring, means disintegration."
Return of the Goddess - Edward C. Whitmont, MD

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From: JoAnne R.
Date: Monday, September 22, 2008, 7:02 PM
Reply to: 264730
ID: 264731

Let Mom Bruner add to anyone not having fun: "If I have to come in here, you're not going to like it".

(I believe I could drum up some recipies for crow.)

Oh wait, I have a good recipe for peach and blueberry cobbler. Of course, I read it somewhere, tried it & it was very good. I've never had an original recipe in my whole mom career.

I can't wait to see all of your happy faces at the reunion!!!! I'm going to go buy "Shore Loser" so I can get an autograph! When is the next book coming out, Doug?

------ On 9/22/08, Doug Danielson wrote ------

Keep this up...and we're gonna have to put you folks in the ELEPHANT STEW instead of the rabbits!

Doug (S’58)


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