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"Humanity has to bring into conscious full control, the God within."
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Alice A. Bailey

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 6:48 AM
Subject: Gathering the Spiritual Voice of America
ID: 265062

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"This gathering may seem like a small step in shifting our thinking and behavior regarding the pressing issues of conflict, poverty and harm to our Earth– but we aim to create together a vast spiritual reservoir from which new vision and inspiration can emerge to guide people in communities across the country and help bring us together as a nation."

"Gathering the Spiritual Voice of America will seek to generate spiritual energy, commitment and courage. It will be structured as a reflection, alternating between times of dialogue and silence, meditation, sacred song and prayer. Among the thoughts to guide this reflection are:

  • The many levels of meaning of Oneness -- how can this knowing guide the development of our society and the way we relate to one another
  • Our relationship to the communities in nature – the implications of interdependence, and how this understanding can renew the vision of the sacred The deeper manifestations of compassion – how should it guide us, how can we teach it and incorporate this quality into healthcare, education, government, etc. How can compassion guide our policies
  • The role of the feminine – becoming receptive and inclusive and shifting the paradigm to one of gender sharing
  • Reclaiming the language of faith and the sense of sacred duty to engage, educate and enlighten on the part of all sectors of society
  • Finding the universal principles and values that can unite us as a nation – a shared vision of all spiritual communities – moving away from the division of doctrine to a common understanding of the principles that underlie all the religious tradition"

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