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"What happens if you strike a tuning fork and set it to vibrating and then move it near another of similar structure? It will set the second tuning fork to vibrating as well. A process analogous to this physical demonstration may also happen at the level of human minds. It may well be that the vibration of consciousness can have a resonant effect upon other minds, recreating a sympathetic vibration or state of awareness."
Visions and Prophecies for a New Age - Mark A. Thurston, Ph.D.

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From: Tamara K.
Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 1:33 PM
Reply to: 265095
ID: 265097

Hi Marie, I too get sea sick real easy, but my son told me to take the Dramamine pill two days before you leave and you won't get sick. It works. The whole 3 day trip to Encenta trip, I was never sick..but that aside your idea is good also just need to get more ideas and pool them all together and see what we come up with. Hopefully we can come to a happy medium and be able to have them all at one spot..wouldn't that be great!! I'm all for it. That's my two cents worth, next? Tami W-59

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