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"When the intent and purpose of the great Life is carried out and is in process of expression, a light will be revealed which has never yet been seen or known. There is a word in the Christian Scriptures which says 'In that light shall we see light;' this means that through the medium of the light of wisdom shed abroad in our hearts through the Ageless Wisdom, we shall eventually see the Light of Life itself."
The Destiny of the Nations - Alice A. Bailey

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From: Beverly T.
Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 5:30 PM
Subject: Another Movie
Reply to: 265228
ID: 265305

Hi Everyone, I'm watching TCM "Bringing Up Baby" with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. I think the banter between the two stars is outstanding. The slapstick is pretty good too. Every time I have seen this movie, I have sore sides from laughing. Bev Taber-Jensen W'61

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