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"All persons must be seen as equals in the way they are measured or judged. All persons must have an equal opportunity to share in the resources which sustain life. This means not only food, shelter, clothing and energy, but also the resources of knowledge, appreciation and love which sustain the mind and soul."
Visions and Prophecies for a New Age - Mark A. Thurston, Ph.D.

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 9:39 AM
Subject: hear - her - here :: T here
Reply to: 265327
ID: 265330

Freed'Om is about a Sound of Music as in UniQueVerSal ReUniOM ;-)

as cosmogerminator enrolled in Integral Institutes Ken Wilber Stuff ...

:{ CapTain, Oh CapTain }:

i Breath Chaos On Order To Chaos with Inten:D to Start All Over Again without Any ... (out of time)


KIN 98 - Weißer Resonanter Spiegel

Aus der zeitlosen Quelle nährt mich Klarheit. Ich lasse alle meine Körper
heute damit durchfluten. Mein Lichtkörper wachse an und weite sich aus!

~ Spiegelungen bringen Klarheit; Ordnungskräfte bekommen Wirkung! ~


Ich channele um zu reflektieren
Ordnung anregend
Ich präge das Grundmuster der Endlosigkeit
Mit dem Resonanten Ton des Gleichklangs
Ich bin geführt durch die Kraft des Herzens

( just teasing only english speaking fri ends for a pleasure invitational freed'om )


S'ace - now ready to make a dinner for my girlfriend ;-)>

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