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The Secret Doctrine - Helena P. Blavatsky

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From: James (Jim) S.
Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 3:16 PM
Subject: Life is Good
ID: 265341

Hi All,

I’d write more, but with my blood pressure now so low, I sleep most of the time. I went to the cardiologist this afternoon… he says he doesn’t want to be responsible, so he sent me out for more tests… I thought when I retired I wouldn’t need to take tests anymore.

This next battery of tests will have me collecting something for a whole 24 hours… and then I have to keep that on ice. Can you imagine how I’ll explain it to Elli? I see myself buying one of those Styrofoam coolers… to be thrown away afterwards.

He wants to exclude a tumor… as do I… so I’m really looking forward to next week. Whatever it is has to be fixed before we leave for Puerto Vallarta next Saturday. I can’t imagine it would be fun carrying that thing to Mexico… how would I ever explain it to Homeland Security… they have that liquid volume maximum, you know.

Perhaps I shouldn’t share so much, but low blood pressure makes me giddy… 78 over 41.

Jim Sandt W 60

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