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"Is there such a thing as chance? I don't think so. There's more, there's always more. Call it grace, call it synchronicity, but I think of it as God telling us that at the deepest level everything is scripted, of saying there are no accidents!"
The Way Things Are - Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau

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From: Harriet T.
Date: Monday, October 20, 2008, 8:47 PM
Subject: Feedback from Meeting with Jeanette
ID: 265386

Greetings All: I have a stimulating, provocative and insightful meeting with Jeanette, as you requested that I follow- up with her. She was pleased about our favorable feedback and did feel that she understood what we were asking for__and when the image popped in her own mind, she felt compelled to create it--and it was indeed on the money. She totally understood our excitement and passion about the message and website, however, She asked many significant questions which puts the ball back into our court and require some serious dialogue on our part. 1. How is the image to be applied? 2. Why a t-shirt? Notecards, magnets, totebag, mug--any of those items might be more viable than a t- shirt. (she doesn't buy or wear them) (I've rarely bought a t-shirt, I usually get them as gifts, because I 've supported a cause, or it's a give-away at an event) 3. Who is your target market? Who do I know and what would they buy? a t-shirt?

She shared her experience with Cafe Press, noting that: a. the profit margin is small b. they do all the administrative tasks of accepting orders, filling them, collecting money, so no risk to her c. You/we need to have the website or webpage that drives people to Cafe Press. They do have templates for creating your webpage. d. the quality of their products vary-mugs, t-shirts, magnets good, but reprints of art was not good quality e. Do we want the t-shirt to drive people to and when they get there, what will they find, what's the benefit, what are we offering, selling--in other words what will they find? What will motivate anyone to go to the website? f. Optimizing the website is important via the search engines to get optimal exposure g. who would we find to do the website-Jeanette doesn't do websites

Finally she liked the idea of exposure via the radio blog and more exposure via Offerings readers. She took Pam's cell phone number to explore monetizing/capitalizing her art and graphics work. And she wants referrals to practice more of the graphics documentation process that she's learning. But in terms of compensation for what's she's already done and could do in the future, she needs more input from's almost a chicken and egg challenge, but definitely food for more dialogue between us.

Which leads me to Wednesday's call. Can we schedule it earlier. There is a community meeting hosted by my councilperson and Mayor Dellums that evening that I want to attend, 6-8pm. I'm willing to go late if we could do the phone meeting from 5-6:30pm


Also, Teresa can you find out from Keanie how we can change the Reflections questions? 4.

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