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From: Starr* S.
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 3:41 AM
Subject: Auspicious day
Reply to: 265662
ID: 265663

Hi S'ace and Ram

I watched the Ken Wilber video about the third party in the middle of the organge and blue parties overlapping to get the Integral Politics. I think it is interesting that the name Barack Hessein Obama has the Ba in the first and the last name according to the following definition of Ba (Glory of God - first intelligence):

"In his commentary on the first chapter of the Quran, Sheykh Muhiyyu'd-Din ibnu'l-‘Aribi wrote: "Here is a subtle point, which is this, that the prophets....have placed the letters of the alphabet in correspondence with the degrees of existence...and therefore it is said, ‘Existences emerged from the Ba of Bismi'llah, since that is the letter which follows the Alif, which is placed to correspond with the Essence of God....And it (the letter Ba) signifies the First Intelligence, which was the first thing which God created."

I think 'Hussein' will help make up the third party of Integral Politics (Western overlapping orange and blue + the Eastern considerations) because really this is an election which is meant to harmonize the world. The Ba in both the last names gives us the alpha and omega of God Intelligence in the beginning and the end...which means we can weather the hard times and transition the Shift positively.

*In numerology the first name is the 'key to character' the second name is the 'inner secret self' the third name is the 'contemplative self'

'Hussein' is an extremely Holy Personage in Shiite Islam (the son of Ali and Fatima) - The founder of the Baha'i Faith said at first when he started the religion he was the return of Hussein. Many in the world are rejoicing the mixture.

My half sisters are the same heritage as Barack + Blackfoote Indian. I have stood up (where 'stood up' means living the life proactively and experiencing the prejudices) for Blacks, Women, and Indigenous people to take their rightful positions in society while preserving all people's multicultural rights most of my life. So today is mighty significant.


--- On Wed, Nov 5, 2008, in msg265662, S´ace G root wrote ---

dear Starr*

thank you for bringing in the synchronicity capabilities of T I ME ...

TI is the 7th SOUND/TONE in DO RO MI ... Serial ...

As for the night of 4 to 5 november (11) 2008 ... this also was an end and a new beginning of a cycle in DreamSpell Calendar ... Nov 5 is the Kin 1 : Red Magnetic Dragon : Birth/Nurture PurePosed

What is within 5+ moons april 4:

KIN 53 - Roter Magnetischer Himmelswanderer

Heute ziehe ich an mich alle notwendenden Kräfte, um den Weg in die Freiheit zu gehen, einen weiteren Schritt heraus aus meinem Karma zu tun.

~ Die Kräfte des Raumes bedingen Wachsamkeit; Neugier will erforschen! ~

~ The Forces of Space require Awakeness; Curiosity will affirm! ~

(i let the other german text for what it resonates to a curious being at a wheel )

O-ba-ma resones the "Ohm" sound of the 3th chakra - connecting cosmos ...

the "BA" sound is the second half of ABBA - Father and re-germinates our souls ...

"MA" again resones the "AH" sound of the Heart ... Confirms the "BA" retURn ...

of what ... we at the base of our spines wanna :{ enlive }: ... or say resone for out TalenTs'

i stanD by You'rs s' @ce ::***:: aus pi cio us

--- On Tue, Nov 4, 2008, in msg265654, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Greetings Bruce

4/11 is my birthdate (April 11th) - so I get some magnetic pole spin for this day!

I love your Spirit of joyous expectation for change to a harmonious world. I think many of us 'feel 'the Integral Political view that you espouse. If the intent of the hearts are in purity of motive the system will have a good chance to produce the desired outcome goal.

I think the more people find the old system's power is becoming lessened the more they will seek to be in harmony with the divine paradigm just in order to part of what is going on in the world (so suddenly purity of motive becomes second nature to the majority - and even the powers that be see the virture in getting with the ascending program).

The time for talk and theorizing is over - it's now time to put it all into action (from invisible to the visible).

Loving Blessings - Starr*

--- On Tue, Nov 4, 2008, in msg265652, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

We're holding our breath. Polls close on the east coast in an hour or two...

A lot of of hope in the air. No matter what happens -- we are poised for transformation. What is coming -- feels tremendous -- an amazing release of human potential...

This morning I was sketching out some ideas on "Integral Politics" -- partly in response to the emergence of new ideas coming through "transpartisanship" -- see

Click this image for a larger view. It's just a start on something. But think about this. "Integral Politics is the Politics of Oneness".

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