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"In physics, in biology, in aesthetics, this same Unitary Principle obtains; it is as though the tensions and pressures of conflicting forms in unstable irresolution ultimately find, by their own inner urgencies, and nature's purposive design, a mergent stability, a higher function in the mounting architecture….there seems to be a goal that is as inherently magnetic to all protoplasm and organism as to man himself."
Creative Vision for Art and for Life - Richard Guggenheimer

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 8:03 PM
Subject: Auspicious day
Reply to: 265666
ID: 265684

Greetings All

I liked this writing because it incorporates much of what we have been saying (internal and external harmonization) - hope you enjoy it. Living Love, Starr*

November energy and dynamics Written by Lisa Renee

The Red Pill and The Blue Pill

At this time we have more dimensional variation of experiential realities on this planet (in the current holographic reality we are sharing as a group consciousness) than in the histories of human evolution. This level of energetic expansion (evolution) and sometimes constriction (de-evolution) is a part of the "merging of the polarities" into a neutral or zero point. What many are beginning to understand is that we must embody a new spiritual wisdom and the paradoxes inherent in such wisdom. (Such as experiencing the self, no- self realization) We must learn greater acceptance for all things no matter how it appears. This is the deeper comprehension of the alchemical processes we undergo as a part of the internal/external "synthesizing of energetic polarities". Accepting this is key, in order to participate smoothly with the accelerating and intense energies on our planet today. Participating smoothly means you are not judging or emotionally invested or attached to needing a specific outcome. Attachment to a specific outcome will create suffering.

Vibrational Choice

At the certain crossroads we are standing at now lies the perfect metaphor of the choice of taking the Red Pill or the Blue Pill. (as in the movie the Matrix see here:

*take the blue pill and feel blissful within the Matrix, take the red pill and become aware and free of the Matrix hold.

This is a time of "Vibrational Choice". Vibrational choice means if you are not participating in this understanding that it is your responsibility to direct your consciousness then the choice will bemade for you. This is not personal it is based on the physics of the energetic laws that govern the mechanics of creation. The multidimensional timeline and direction of your consciousness will be based upon the energetic signature and vibration you are holding. This is not a fear based statement as it is that simple to just declare your intention to serve Source first authentically from your heart. That is all that is needed! From the metaphor it is about choosing the Red Pill in order to be freed from the Matrix. However there are still many people not aware that they have a choice right now.

To not participate with these energies with the right attitude and alignment is becoming increasingly painful. As we move forward if you persist in holding any denial of polarity or the shadow you will increasingly experience abrupt surprises. The denial is a part of the old 3D energies, including those philosophies prevalent in the New Age. Denial is Deception. It is about something that is unseen because it is hidden. Nothing will be hidden anymore and we will have to face it. Everything has to be alchemized, nothing is being left behind. The group awareness of this as a "conscious participation" with the energies is currently expanding this year and ongoing. This is due to "Red Pill" choice and the expansion of Galactic Energies we are exposed to now as we moved into the "Galactic Consciousness Cycle" in 2008. These energies created new levels of "extremes" and gives us the surreal quality of what we may perceive is happening now.

Also what this means is that we will experience more of the "Reality Bubble" phenomena as many groups of consciousness will break off and form to support the reality of their vibrational choosing. (You will note variations of the Red Pill and Blue Pill choices) We are all in various phases of our personal ascension process (spiritual evolution or dimensional initiation) and are being dispersed into more defined roles and experiences. There is no value difference given in our Cosmic Classroom, as All is One with the Source. Yet we each have very specific and unique energetic (genetic) configuration to share with this planet and the cosmos as a part of this Universal Cycle of Ultimate Evolution. We have choice in this matter now and it will impact our future consciousness direction in an inexpressibly humongous way. It is important that we play our divine puzzle piece (even if that means you are being isolated so that you may learn to hold a state of pure being-ness) and not get swept away in the external pressures and old belief systems.

Reality Bubbles

Our planet has just reached another dimensional plateau which is a pinnacle time in our Ascension process. We are now observing more extreme variations of the "Reality Bubbles" that are forming around us and this is becoming more surreal by the minute! The Red Pill and the Blue Pill "vibrational choices" being made now are amplifying this experience. The Reality Bubble is like a frequency split, you become consciously aware that you are experiencing a very different energetic reality to those around you. You start to view these many small and larger reality bubbles (scenarios) that people are having all simultaneously in the same perceived "time and space". If you stand back and observe it you will notice the patterns of events all happening within layered sequences, very much like a Russian nesting doll. (See one here:

This is when you really experience the reality as a "hologram" and can see it is all incredibly interconnected! Being able to connect the micro views of our reality (seeing what's playing out in your personal life) to the macro views (what's happening on the planetary scale) are getting more apparent in the patterns we observe. When you experience this you realize nothing is personal and should not be taken in as such. In our current ascension process we are continuing to go through deeper levels of the dismantling of our 3D identity as an experience of ourselves. Now we see the larger 3D identity structures that supported them externally in the world also dismantling. All of which is completely relative to the larger patterns that interconnect human beings with the current planetary and Universal shift.

A Reality Bubble feels like you are watching a reality from the outside as if it's inside some energetic invisible "container". The events happen from a vantage point as if you are on the outside of the container rather than being engaged with what's happening on the inside. You may feel inside your own "reality bubble" when you are introduced to other situations that may or may not feel resonating or relative to your energetic being. As you experience this it has a surreal quality to it, you may even feel invisible to those you are viewing in the other reality bubble. The reality bubble experiences can create more finger pointing scenarios as someone is looking for something on the outside to blame. As Always, be Neutral.

More of us are now aware of experiencing a variation of this "frequency split" in our current reality. This happens throughout our day to day experience as well as what is magnified back to us as a reflection of what is happening with the global mass consciousness.

Energetic Architecture

As we move through the next evolutionary window this month we are ramping up our inner God technologies (the intelligence of our own consciousness and its lightbody vehicle) to reveal new wisdoms about the hidden technology that powers our planetary holographic reality. This is the God technology of the multidimensional holographic anatomy that functions simultaneously as an interface to our multidimensional holographic reality. When we are capable to consciously direct our personal energetic holographic anatomy we then direct control over our planetary holographic reality. What we see in the world now is a reflection of the weighted average of the mass global human consciousness and its apparent lack of spiritual understanding or its spiritual blindness.

Much of this information has been hidden from humanities view. It is this "energetic architecture" that creates the various levels of mind programming and the ability to control the energetic manipulation of the masses. It is also this knowledge that allows the keys to the kingdom, therefore Freedom. These energetic structures are invisible to the 3D five phenomenal senses and become apparent when one has reached a certain level of multidimensional "sight" and sensory perception. This is also a function of activated DNA or Star Seeded genetic memories. More of us, especially Starseeds are having this multidimensional "sight" restored now. This is a function of our lightbody which when activated in its potential has nadis structures (nerve endings) that function like "energetic receivers" of multidimensional broadcast. Most all humans have been deactivated from this potential from a history of genetic manipulation and the human DNA not being able to "plug" itself in the layers of its strands. (This is one of the Star Races purposes to contribute to the planet and humanity to help support the DNA to plug in again)

Some of us are now being prepared to be deployed to work directly with these levels of the planetary "energetic architecture". Previously only the human power elite and off planet non human intelligences were privy to this technology. As a part of our new spiritual wisdom and the acceptance of our role as Guardians for this planet, some of us have accepted this as the next level of our mission. And this may take shape in an accelerated phase of physical movement or travel to certain locations or Stargates on the Planet.

It is important to realize all that appears to have "form" or content has an energetic blueprint, therefore an energetic architecture. This applies to persons, places, things, corporations, organizations, structures, anything and everything. It is this knowledge and lack thereof that has manipulated humanity to accept barbarism as normal for eons of time. Barbarism that is sustained breaks down the genetic integrity of the consciousness form. That means it genetically digresses the form therefore eventually destroying the species. Nothing manifests without the architectural blueprint and its intended goal. Nothing is random. That means to learn that something, some force of intelligence is operating intentionally to de-evolve the human being into more advanced states of barbarism to keep it enslaved and possibly destroy itself. The state of our planet and its consciousness has been at the control of an energetic architecture that directs the impulses of belief and experience. Who is directing these impulses? The question must be asked. Why is fear and separation continually saturated in the media and all aspects of the social economic structures? Who is gaining from this? This means that it is coming from more than human ignorance. And it is this ignorance that must be stopped if we are to accept our Guardianship and therefore the cultivation of the divine human potential. This is how we change the Global Human Agreement by taking back our sovereign control.


This is one level of realization manifesting now that is about a clearer understanding of our role as New Energy Stewards of the Energetic Architecture or accepting Guardianship of this Planet. We are retrieving the technology and its information that we have been asleep to for eons of time and had been operated solely by other forces such as the non human intelligences. At this time this is a smaller niche of beings I am addressing and yet many more will potentially awaken to this service role.

As we become at a certain level of our ascension therefore our "descended divinity" what this means is that the intelligence of the higher selves in the various layers have reached a certain critical mass within your auric lightbody. Many over this year have had a similar process likened to a "walk-in" event, which is a merge with their higher aspect of divinity. This identity has intelligences and memory that are designed to support the potential both personally and globally. Many are being trained to relax into the allowing the creative forces to flow as they are able to access new levels of this intelligence. You must master from where the impulses are sourcing, and commonly this means solitude. Learning how to just "be". Is this impulse coming from an ego program?, manipulation from the mass fields?, or is it divinely sourced?

When this happens you start to become at one with your purpose and role on the planet. The embodiment of your divinity is simultaneous event to the realization of your divine purpose.

You will realize that New Energy Stewardship requires you to become energetically sustainable on the inner levels of your being. To be sustainable is to be nourished by your own inner connection to Source, there is no need to attach outwardly to ANYTHING. All things feed on something energetically. You are either sustained in your inner source or you are an energetic vampire to something external.

All spiritual leadership and accepted stewards of the plan will be put in the position to ultimately learn and master this energetic understanding. Your spiritual influence will not be used to siphon energies externally, such as from your own groups, as it has been common in the past. There is no guru relationship except the one you have with yourself. This begins the New Energy Age of Empowerment Within, en masse. The 12th dimensional shield is an exercise that begins to expand this level of understanding and is one of the purposes for which it was given. Please see the website for the free audio of this as a beginner technique.

11:11 (soon coming - we are saying a prayer everyday for the 11:11:11 - so that when it arrives the power will be built up for actualization. Good stuff and stuff S'ace, Ram, Bruce! -- Starr*

--- On Wed, Nov 5, 2008, in msg265666, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Bruce, Starr*, S'ace, et all,

Interesting to see the integral essence oozing out from the alphabetical sounds of Barak Hussein Obama. From the meditative perspective, I see "Obama" : 'O' for Om (the divine universal connecting Energy/Vibration), 'Ba' lke 'Ra------Ra...a...a' (Soul-Call for oneness with the Source), and 'Ma' like 'Ma' of RaMa like sitting in Divine Mother's lap fully protected and embraced in divine universal love and awareness). I feel it very Self-connecting and Self-empowering. Anyway whatever suites the individual for one's ongoing Self-growth, that's what it means the most for him/her.

Also being on this soul feeling-knowing wave-length, here is a relevant message from Awaaz that vibrates in itself:


Dear friends,

Obama's win is a fresh start for US relations with the world. Let's help turn the page and send a global message of hope and invitation to work together to the new President -- it will be displayed on a giant wall in Washington DC: Take Action Now After 8 long years of Bush – a fresh start!

Entrenched interests stand in the way, but Obama's victory brings a chance for the US to finally join with the world community to take on pressing challenges on climate change, human rights, and peace.

Let's seize this opportunity to create a major global moment of unity, reconciliation and hope by sending a million messages of warm congratulations and invitation to work together to the new President and the American people.

We've built a huge wall near the White House in Washington DC where the number of signatures on our message and personal messages from around the world will grow over the next several hours. Let's get to 1 million signers and messages to Obama! Sign on at the link below and forward this email to others:

This is a time for celebration of democracy, but already the sharks are starting to circle – oil companies, war contractors, conservative lobbyists, and the powerful neo-con clique that brought us the war in Iraq are looking for ways to dim the prospects for change. Obama has promised national unity, and these interests will ask a high price for that unity.

Let's act quickly to make sure the people of the world are heard as Obama makes crucial choices in the coming days on how to live up to his campaign promises to secure a strong global treaty on climate change, ban torture and close Guantanamo prison, withdraw carefully from Iraq, and double aid to make global poverty history. Rarely has a US President been more likely to listen to us.

We'll make the point that on most of the pressing issues faced by Obama and the American people – from the financial crisis to climate change -- we need to work together as one world to achieve change. Sign below and forward this message on:

With hope,

Ricken, Brett, Alice, Iain, Paula, Paul, Graziela, Pascal, Milena, Graziela and the whole Avaaz team.

PS - Send us pictures of yourself for our wall - email it to

PPS – Here's a link to a report on Avaaz's past campaigning –

PPPS - And here's a list of 10 of Obama's campaign promises that concern the world – you can find his full platform here

Reduce the US's carbon emissions 80% by 2050 and play a strong positive role in negotiating a binding global treaty to replace the expiring Kyoto Protocol Withdraw all combat troops from Iraq within 16 months and keep no permanent bases in the country Establish a clear goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons across the globe Close the Guantanamo Bay detention center Double US aid to cut extreme poverty in half by 2015 and accelerate the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculoses and Malaria Open diplomatic talks with countries like Iran and Syria, to pursue peaceful resolution of tensions De-politicize military intelligence to avoid ever repeating the kind of manipulation that led the US into Iraq Launch a major diplomatic effort to stop the killings in Darfur Only negotiate new trade agreements that contain labor and environmental protections Invest $150 billion over ten years to support renewable energy and get 1 million plug-in electric cars on the road by 2015 --------------------------------------

ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Sydney and Geneva.

Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns.

Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!

--- On Wed, Nov 5, 2008, in msg265663, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi S'ace and Ram

I watched the Ken Wilber video about the third party in the middle of the organge and blue parties overlapping to get the Integral Politics. I think it is interesting that the name Barack Hessein Obama has the Ba in the first and the last name according to the following definition of Ba (Glory of God - first intelligence):

"In his commentary on the first chapter of the Quran, Sheykh Muhiyyu'd-Din ibnu'l-‘Aribi wrote: "Here is a subtle point, which is this, that the prophets....have placed the letters of the alphabet in correspondence with the degrees of existence...and therefore it is said, ‘Existences emerged from the Ba of Bismi'llah, since that is the letter which follows the Alif, which is placed to correspond with the Essence of God....And it (the letter Ba) signifies the First Intelligence, which was the first thing which God created."

I think 'Hussein' will help make up the third party of Integral Politics (Western overlapping orange and blue + the Eastern considerations) because really this is an election which is meant to harmonize the world. The Ba in both the last names gives us the alpha and omega of God Intelligence in the beginning and the end...which means we can weather the hard times and transition the Shift positively.

*In numerology the first name is the 'key to character' the second name is the 'inner secret self' the third name is the 'contemplative self'

'Hussein' is an extremely Holy Personage in Shiite Islam (the son of Ali and Fatima) - The founder of the Baha'i Faith said at first when he started the religion he was the return of Hussein. Many in the world are rejoicing the mixture.

My half sisters are the same heritage as Barack + Blackfoote Indian. I have stood up (where 'stood up' means living the life proactively and experiencing the prejudices) for Blacks, Women, and Indigenous people to take their rightful positions in society while preserving all people's multicultural rights most of my life. So today is mighty significant.


--- On Wed, Nov 5, 2008, in msg265662, S´ace G root wrote ---

dear Starr*

thank you for bringing in the synchronicity capabilities of T I ME ...

TI is the 7th SOUND/TONE in DO RO MI ... Serial ...

As for the night of 4 to 5 november (11) 2008 ... this also was an end and a new beginning of a cycle in DreamSpell Calendar ... Nov 5 is the Kin 1 : Red Magnetic Dragon : Birth/Nurture PurePosed

What is within 5+ moons april 4:

KIN 53 - Roter Magnetischer Himmelswanderer

Heute ziehe ich an mich alle notwendenden Kräfte, um den Weg in die Freiheit zu gehen, einen weiteren Schritt heraus aus meinem Karma zu tun.

~ Die Kräfte des Raumes bedingen Wachsamkeit; Neugier will erforschen! ~

~ The Forces of Space require Awakeness; Curiosity will affirm! ~

(i let the other german text for what it resonates to a curious being at a wheel )

O-ba-ma resones the "Ohm" sound of the 3th chakra - connecting cosmos ...

the "BA" sound is the second half of ABBA - Father and re-germinates our souls ...

"MA" again resones the "AH" sound of the Heart ... Confirms the "BA" retURn ...

of what ... we at the base of our spines wanna :{ enlive }: ... or say resone for out TalenTs'

i stanD by You'rs s' @ce ::***:: aus pi cio us

--- On Tue, Nov 4, 2008, in msg265654, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Greetings Bruce

4/11 is my birthdate (April 11th) - so I get some magnetic pole spin for this day!

I love your Spirit of joyous expectation for change to a harmonious world. I think many of us 'feel 'the Integral Political view that you espouse. If the intent of the hearts are in purity of motive the system will have a good chance to produce the desired outcome goal.

I think the more people find the old system's power is becoming lessened the more they will seek to be in harmony with the divine paradigm just in order to part of what is going on in the world (so suddenly purity of motive becomes second nature to the majority - and even the powers that be see the virture in getting with the ascending program).

The time for talk and theorizing is over - it's now time to put it all into action (from invisible to the visible).

Loving Blessings - Starr*

--- On Tue, Nov 4, 2008, in msg265652, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

We're holding our breath. Polls close on the east coast in an hour or two...

A lot of of hope in the air. No matter what happens -- we are poised for transformation. What is coming -- feels tremendous -- an amazing release of human potential...

This morning I was sketching out some ideas on "Integral Politics" -- partly in response to the emergence of new ideas coming through "transpartisanship" -- see

Click this image for a larger view. It's just a start on something. But think about this. "Integral Politics is the Politics of Oneness".

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