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"All gestures, words, acts and events are equivalent in value – all are manifestations of the one consciousness which pervades everything."
Psychedelic Experience, A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead - Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner, Richard Alpert

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 9:44 PM
Subject: Auspicious day... A true Story
Reply to: 265683
ID: 265686

the true story dear Ram gives me a few vibrations i conVert ...

maybe out of lovestrings or madness or affinity to fellow humans experiencing a black hole/whole ...

(who judges') with an experience on noospheric adventures/carrier-e)

') judgement has a base of vibrations and references and stories (2) ...

the vibrations i selected: Mary, Value & Random Thoughts' (serendipity)

Mary :: 13 1 9 2 #25 (7) : 5 to 5 (5**2)

Value :: 5 1 12 6 5 #29 (11) : 11th prime number

Random Thought :: 9 1 13 4 12 13 - 7 8 12 6 7 8 7 (52-55) #107 (8) : ?
+s' :: (107+8) #115 (7) (is 107 a prime number? which one in the lineair realm of seQuence?)

My Random Thought (aligned to a QuantumMechanicField?)

107 is Blue Electric Hand in Dreamspell Oracle giving 6+1 keywords - i recall 3+1 of them:
Electric: Service
Hand: Acting & Healing
+1 Blue: Transforming

115 is Blue Spectral Eagle in same paradigm:
Spectral: Liberation
Eagle: Release &Vision
+1 Blue: Transforming

kin 115: Blue Spectral Eagle
I Dissolve in order to Create
Releasing Mind
I seal the Output of Vision
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
I am a galactic activation portal enter me.
I am a polar kin
I transport the Blue galactic spectrum.

Why 107 or 115? What function is att'ached?

As i, s'ace - a bivid - , see it ...
107 is the portal to a collective conscious field - which is represented in 115 (7)

the portal has an 8 character which is 2-008 (simply pope-ul-are from ancient galeries)
') ul = "you all" vibrational in a field of wanting influence and order and rule above ... etc. (here anyone can fill that)

so ... nov 5 , 2008 ... s' ace - solar wind on lunare wind ;-))

:{ mail me to address the cheQue properly - just joking the celebration :-)) }:

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