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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 7:59 AM
Subject: Integral Context
ID: 265690

Thanks to everybody. There is a certainly "a new spirit abroad in the land" -- or, at least, there is starting to be. The whole world is excited about the new US president. There are so many wonderful possibilities. My feeling is -- these possibilities are real, and the virtue and grace in this man is no delusion or fantasy or marketing hype. It's for real, and he is for real. People just have to get their heads around this...


One thing I am feeling -- is that his arrival on the scene is part of a larger global process -- towards "something" that we are trying to define. It's called "the shift" by many people -- and for many people, it's very mysterious, full of arcane symbols and unknown mystical forces.

But for me, at this point -- this whole business feels extremely simple. It doesn't feel mysteriously complex -- it's feels mysteriously simple. It's incredibly simple -- that's what makes it mysterious...

And something that I am feeling -- something that I need, it seems -- is the right way to talk about this.

I have been using this word "integral" for some time. For me, this word has to do with "oneness" and "integration", and pulling many separate pieces together into "one". That's the essence of "synthesis". It's like the motto of the USA -- "E Pluribus Unum" -- "Out of Many, One".

This is what we are doing. Out of many -- One.

Humpty Dumpty -- all the pieces come together -- into something extremely simple -- simple, organic, natural -- and, I would say -- divine....

But this word "Integral".

Is this the right word?

I am not yet sure it is.

The word works for me -- but for others, this word pulls in a big current meaning -- it involves Ken Wilber, and many other concepts and historical references -- that for me, become confusing, and are not relevant. When I want to use this word "integral" -- I want to talk about something simple.

For me, this is not a big slightly confused bunch of floating intellectuality and philosophic words -- it feels like something clear, basic, profoundly whole, and without a lot of clutter and controversy. Maybe that is just me -- but my best guess is -- this is how things are evolving. We have moved through all this intellectual clutter, and we are going towards extreme beautiful simplicity.

So, I would put this another way.

What is the best language to describe "the Oneness context"?

If everything is one -- everything is interconnected, including people -- then how do we refer to that context, as the correct and natural and true way to understand reality?

If we want to talk about how the world should understand itself, or make collective decisions about our collective future (democracy) -- what is the right language to describe this context? It's not really "the environment" -- though that might be on the right track, since "the environment contains everything".

IS there some way to put this into words? Everything is contained in the One, everything comes out of the One, everything is connected to everything else within the One..."

And politics and democracy have to look like this, too.

I feel that Obama carries this vision, and the entire world is feeling it.

And part of the power, I think -- is making this very clear to everybody, that this is how it works, this is how we get along, this is why and how global civilization can move forward into a fabulous new renaissance...


Here is another version of this matrix, with more elements, more details. Click on it to see a larger version.

It feels to me -- like this is starting to be a kind of master-framework for understanding where we are going, and where we want to go. Maybe we can indeed put "everything" into this matrix.

Just think about it, in your creative moments. Everything is contained in Oneness. That's the answer. Let's just get clear on exactly how this works....

(PS -- maybe this phrase on this diagram "what we actually do today" should be replaced by something like "Before Obama this is what we did". I think of Obama as an "Integral Politician". He is a politician of Oneness. How is this true? Look at all those things of the right side of the chart. He is doing most or all of those things)

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