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What God Wants - Neale Donald Walsch

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 9:44 AM
Subject: The Shift - Awakening to Oneness
Reply to: 265693
ID: 265695

dear Bruce,

i go whereever you go whit this as a "BYTE" ...

in my poëtic vessel this also include "BY T" & "B (Y) T"

what you read is what i go bye ;-)


nuts~hell : 13 6 7 8 ~ 8 5 12 12 : (34~37) #71 (8)

one~ness : 12 13 5 ~ 13 5 8 8 : (30~34) #68 (14)

~~~ (i could agree there is no meaning however i may hope within a D'ream)

71 - T'here resonates the Blue Rhythmic MonKey ...
kin 71: Blue Rhythmic Monkey
I Organize in order to Play
Balancing Illusion
I seal the Process of Magic
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality

68 - Here gives
kin 68: Yellow Electric Star
I Activate in order to Beautify
Bonding Art
I seal the Store of Elegance
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Free Will

Merging T'hey resonate : ~139~ (13) ')
kin 138: White Galactic Mirror
I Harmonize in order to Reflect
Modeling Order
I seal the Matrix of Endlessness
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Spirit

Merci Bien Cosmo! Y'ouR Wonderous Trembling Revelating so Shining ...


') see the 3 popping up 3 fold: ( 3**0 3**1 3**2 = 1 3 9 )

:{ oracle reads "4Q1": }:

"The Circle is the Thought; the diameter (or the line) is the Word; and their union is Life."
was the oracle line guiding your message "sage" ...
here comes another one ~guiding this (F forT) ~T as the Wind & SPiRiT PhenoMeNon

I am guided by the power of Spirit & i am a Spirit aLigned ~in Lak'ecH
BYT : 2 2 7 (11)

--- On Thu, Nov 6, 2008, in msg265693, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

I just have to go on with this a bit.

I sent that last message, and checked my email -- and there was a newsletter from Charlene Proctor's "The Goddess Network" -- which contained articles on Oneness, and took me to to a page with this graphic:

Yes, true, of course, "being it" is very important. But we also need to understand it, and be able to articulate it.

Charlene's article, where this article is linked, is about "spiritual peace-making". And I would say she is absolutely on the right track. But if we can really get clear on how and why this "awakening to Oneness" fully contains and unfolds these mysteries of peace -- that would be a tremendous thing.

Peace IS being awake to Oneness?

There are many things being born through us now -- and some of those things are better ideas on how to understand. I am getting centered on this, my apologies for redundancy. There is something powerful here, just awaiting simple clarification....

--- On Thu, Nov 6, 2008, in msg265691, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Just putting this even more simply -- could we simply say -- that this entire "shift" process that is going on -- is simply "an awakening to Oneness"?

That's why this language feels important to me. There is a context -- which contains everything. If we don't see that context -- our thinking becomes confused and fragmented and complex -- and we get into arguments and disagreements. If we see the context -- our thinking becomes simple and clear. We know how things relate, we know where everything stands. We can understand one another....

I've been describing "integral politics" -- as one phase of this process. But maybe we have to show how all other aspects of human relations -- and of knowledge -- fit into this framework, and emerge from it.

It's not that we are discovering that this is true. We've known this is true for a long time. What we are discovering -- is how to frame this understanding in a way that is simple and clear and comprehensible, something "bite-sized" that the human mind can fully grasp without overload....

I can feel that -- the creative currents pushing for absolute inclusion within a framework of total simplicity....

But that's it in a nutshell. Everything is awakening to Oneness. Every aspect of human action and understanding and civilization -- all at the same time, in every conceivable way -- is awakening to Oneness....



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