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"Remember, every thought we think takes us and others around us either straight to heaven (an awareness of our oneness) or straight to hell (the ego's state of separation)."
The Gift of Change, Spiritual Guidance for a Radically New Life - Marianne Williamson

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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 3:11 PM
Subject: The Shift - Awakening to Oneness
Reply to: 265691
ID: 265714

Namaste Bruce, S'ace and everyONE,

Although I haven't written on this forum in a while, I read the posts and truly appreciate the connectivity of GRN and all of us who are choosing consciously to participate in this global/universal movement, awakening, transformation and evolution in consciousness.

Bruce...your words about Awakening to Oneness capture the essence of the collective shift that is happening all is manifesting in so many ways on the physical plane of existence within this vibrational level...and it is happening within the unseen worlds as well...

On a simple and practical level, I'm seeing this shift in the working environment where I work as a therapist/counselor. I've been at this agency for 8 years and frequently felt like I was misplaced and needing to leave. However, in the past few weeks, coinciding with Obama as the choice for the president of the United States, there have been some very small, but palpable shifts at work. The director's energy which has at times seemed very intense and stressed has softened a bit...a co-worker has stated that the director has shifted from leading mostly from the head to beginning to integrate concepts we've discussed and lead from a more balanced perspective of head and heart...for several years I've had one other therapist that I could share with from a more personal level about how the work and life effects us...We've both realized how isolated we usually feel due to the nature of our in order to feel more connected and break down the walls of separation we've started a therapists " heart to heart "group within the agency using a " circle format. "...after just one meeting there is a feeling of mutual resonance and sense of enthusiasm for the transformation that could happen within the working environment...

Another example is that a group of people have gotten together to finally change a staff lounge which has been in dire need of change for at least 10 years or more. The basis for this change is the realization that the physical space of the lounge isn't conducive to connection, so the director has agreed that this is a high enough priority for the space to go through a complete transformation in order to improve connection and feel like the working space is more conducive to healing, upliftment and relaxation.

These are small changes and reflective of this collective shift and awakening...It is interesting to note that the simplicity that you've written about Bruce is what seems to have made Obama's campaign so effective...the simple chant of " Yes We Can " and " O Ba Ma " both with identical rhythmic patterns combined with the organizational structure and clear, inspiring, etc. message and ability to articulate it through a vocal tone and personality that reflects the collective desire for change and a new dawn.

Anyway, Bruce continue to work out the ideas that you are expressing through the last few posts. Thank you all for being who you are!


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