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From: Starr* S.
Date: Saturday, November 8, 2008, 3:40 AM
Subject: Integral Context - The Role of Idealism
Reply to: 265707
ID: 265717

Commentary for Bruce re Integral Politics & Obama’s Vision by Starr* Saffa

Bruce: “One thing I am feeling -- is that his arrival on the scene is part of a larger global process -- towards "something" that we are trying to define. It's called "the shift" by many people -- and for many people, it's very mysterious, full of arcane symbols and unknown mystical forces. “

Starr*: Like you, I am excited to see a man of vision elected to US Presidency. He even looks like some of my family members (blood and skin). For this reason alone, I want him to succeed in his decisions. He is a peer of my half sister who was raised (partially by me) in Hawaii at the very same time. She is a masterful business woman in this day. Most of all I want him to succeed in world affairs because of his idealistic and altruistic spiritual awareness. I don’t want those ideals to be a cause for dumbing- down Human Rights and full Equality for all people in the name of harmony and global peace.

This commentary is not to take away from any of the hope and enthusiasm for positive change, but rather a call for people to keep their own eyes opened rather than to put all their eggs in one basket, as the saying goes. With eyes wide opened we can support and be part of efforts for a building a peaceful world. As you know I have always said the Tahirih Path was about politics beyond politics where the divine law of personal intuition of the individual is continually interactive. I think the Integral Political Plan says much the same. This writing is to amplify that awareness.

As you and GRN posters know I once belonged to a religion that has been preaching the Unity and Oneness of mankind since it reached the Western shores in the early 1900’s and makes the claim of being the most spread religion in the world. This religion largely influenced US Presidents and the formation of the United Nations where they have held NGO (non- governmental organizations) consultative status throughout the years. Their aim has been what they call a New World Order which includes International Governing Bodies. It is foreseen that eventually, into the future, these Institutions will merge into the religion’s Governing Body and become the World Commonwealth.

This religion’s writings, in spelling out the way that the Nations come together and are governed, say that the “Rights of the individual will be preserved’ in spite of Nations having to give up some of their National sovereignty. All this sounds a lot like spiritualized “Integral Politics” with a concern for the internal as well as the external. However, as an example, the way it has played out in this religion so far has been a move towards sacrificing human rights for the good of the majority by the individual submitting personal conscience to the religions Institutions composed of nine men.

Now when it comes to Human Rights it would seem that it would be preferable to take the highest form that has been accomplished in the world rather than blending all those rights from all the cultures of the world for the sake of forming a global commonwealth because it is not a true peace or unity when Human Rights are compromised.

I know that Barack Hussein Obama, as President of the US, is dedicated to opening up negotiations with Russia, Iran, and China in bringing about world unity. I love the ideal of consultation in the name of Peace, but I do not believe in compromise where Human Rights are concerned. How can we do this? Will Obama see a way?

Women are in a precarious position! For instance, women in the majority of the world are under patriarchy and do not have equal rights. The religion I belonged to said that women and men are equal; yet they practice inequality when it comes to the top community decision making (the governing body that global Institutions will one day merge into).

Now here’s the concern. This religion’s Leaders say that in order to make it better for the majority of women in third world countries of the world it is necessary for women in first Nations to give up some rights and meet somewhere in the middle (de-evolution of rights).

An example of this might be as follows: In America the early colonists fought hard to ensure that women could inherit equally under the law. However, in Islam and Bahá’í, the teaching is that women can not inherit the family home and rather it should go to the first born son. In Bahá’í this is under the intestacy laws, however, there is no provision that a husband must name his wife in his will in any case. So after years of working in the family and contributing to the family home financially the wife has no assurance of a home if her husband dies without naming her in his will as the owner of the house, and thus her efforts are in the category of slavery and second class citizenship.

Western women who follow these kinds of religious laws forfeit the equality they had under the inheritance laws of the land where they were born, thus devaluing their humanity as equal participants.

Islam, like Bahá’í, is wide-spread and forms a good majority of the world where these kinds of religious laws impact the governments – especially in Iran. Thus, compromising women’s rights in the name of peace negotiations could in the long run not only be harmful but bring the free world back into a form of patriarchal slavery. Is this peace? Certainly, I hope Michelle Obama will be watchful of preventing these kinds of negotiations from impacting the free world where women are concerned.

Therefore, it is very important, and ‘Integral’ to have the internal eye operational in any peace agreements that affects the whole, men and women alike.

The Integral Political Plan as suggested, says much the same, but leaves some loop holes in my opinion. I’ll briefly mention them in capital letters next to the solutions proposed below.

———————————————————————————————————————————————-- INTEGRAL POLITICS—HOW THINGS COULD BE TOMORROW by Bruce Schuman ————————————————————————————————————————————————

1. An awareness and claim that all things are interrelated in one integral context of wholeness, being and oneness. YES THIS IS A GOOD START ————————————————————————————————————————————————

2. Assertion that this integral context is the foundation of all metaphysical systems, as found in all major religions, and this context is valid outside the context of faith and belief. THE OPPOSITE IS ALSO IN THE WRITINGS OF RELIGONS, SO THINK BEYOND OLD RELGIOUS CANON. ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

3. Whole– many independent forces operating within a single context, with awareness that, though independent, they are also interdependent and interconnected. GREAT AWARENESS ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

4. Harmonious NOT IN THE NAME OF CONFORMITY, OBEDIENCE, INJUSTICE AND INEQUALITY (KEEP THE HIGHEST STANDARDS). ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

5. Co-creative—both/and, all participants “win” at least something NOT IF IT MEANS WOMEN BECOME SECONDARY CITIZENS ETC. ————————————————————————————————————————————————

6. Fully conscious of larger absolute context, and emerging from it YES – GREAT EDUCATION (universal high standards) ———————————————————————————————————————————————–

7. Multiple points of view arise within the context of the whole, and all of these points of view contain insight of value, that should be factored into the collective decision process. IMPURE MOTIVE MUST NOT MANIPULATE AND EFFECT ALL. ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

8. We evolve a method for interconnecting these elements. THERE IS ONE - SEE RICHTER’S LAWS BELOW ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

9. We are all on the same team. WHEN FORCE AND HIDDEN AGENDAS ARE NO LONGER IN PLAY. ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

10. My tribe likes getting together with your tribe. Exciting and creative things happen. BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS ————————————————————————————————————————————————

11. Issues are complicated and multifaceted, and if anybody really knew the “right” position on a particular issue, it wouldn’t be an issue. We need to get all the facts and perspectives on the table and work it out. THE RICHTOR MACHINE PLUGS INTO THE WHOLE. ————————————————————————————————————————————————

12. We all need to change our behaviour a little bit. We all share in the blame and responsibility. There is darkness in all of us; let’s work together to get beyond it, and not let this factor break trust between us. WORKING IN LIGHT, LOVE AND AWARENESS IS THE WAY FORWARD ————————————————————————————————————————————————

13. I am my brothers and sister keeper. CARING IS GREAT - PANOPTICON IMPLICATIONS NO. ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

14. We are all interconnected parts. No man or woman is an island. We are all related. TRUE ———————————————————————————————————————————————–—

15. Working together is more powerful, more accurate and authentic, and more fun. IF IT DOESN’T PRODUCE GROUP THINK & CONTROL —————————————————————————————————————————————–——–

16. No one mind can hold all these factors; we have to work together as a team. YES —————————————————————————————————————————————–———

17. I am personally responsible for the welfare of the whole (absolute inclusion). MY PART IN THE WHOLE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18. We must develop new holistic models of critically interdependent processes that include all relevant aspects. BASED ON MAGNETICS POWERED BY LOVE AS A BASIS, THUS “EMPOWERED INDIVIDUALS” COMPOSING SOCIETY ————————————————————————————————————————————————–

19. Freedom: if “all points of view are of equal value and all must be counted and treated with respect”, then all these points of view should be subject to a simple kind of validation by some kind of empirical verification (“scientific method”), in so far as possible. Individuals are invited to add their perspectives and information to the larger picture, insofar as their information is verifiably accurate and valid, as measured by some simple universal standards of science and good scholarship. RICHTER’S MACHINE – see below

End of chart. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In another discussion you mentioned that even though we are One we have different opinions when it comes to preferences in the needs and laws of a land. I think we need to look for new methodology for handling these differences when it comes to finding solutions. Why limit ourselves to political negotiations.

In my book, Tahirih Thealogy, in the Quantum Physics chapter, I mention the Richter Post Computer Machine which could be used for solving interpersonal relationships from the individual to the world at large. Pages 241-243. I think I’ve mentioned it here before too – but it could be the scientific method you were looking for in number 19 so I mention it again for this discussion.

Richter Post-computer machine Recently (June 2004) Paul Rincon of the BBC News Online science staff reported there has been a ‘teleportation’ breakthrough on atoms for the first time. The article says:

“The ability to transfer key properties of one particle to another without using any physical link has until now only been achieved with laser light. Experts say being able to do the same with massive particles like atoms could lead to new super fast computers.”

However, a post-computer machine has already been devised based on the Richter’s Laws which already taps into All That Is. “Richter’s Laws: A Handbook For Human Success in a Post-Computer World”, by H.G.P. Colebatch. Phd.

Richter invented the Neuronetic Reasoning Machine (lattice technology) and its science, a technology that is changing the world.

He based his map-like machine on the workings of the human brain. Its hexagonal cell configuration with a point in each connecting hexagon is so simple a child can operate it. Richter saw that all information is ‘connected’, bringing the insight of ‘intuition’ into the human brain and thus he devised the Neuronetic Reasoning Machine to facilitate as an extension of the mind to solve problems in .87th of a second – which is working ‘In Real Time’. This design overcomes the limitations of computers. Richter says everything is connected to everything and calls it the C.E.N.D. (connect everything not denied). This machine and reasoning has no theoretical limit. Richter saw that there was a gestalt where the ‘whole was larger than the sum of its parts’.

Richter identified the power of relational connectivity which led to the full realization of connectivity through the cognitive cell system.

Layers for Relational Connectivity: If you feature a rainbow of colors arched within the brain, the outer layer is in the red range of functional operation; next is the orange or rational contiguity; yellow is deductive or logical; green is the data information, and blue is the knowledge educational representation; indigo or purple is the inductive intuition learning; and violet holds the global awareness.

The Neuronetic Real Time Reasoning Machine has an internal structure of reusable ‘neuron cells’ which fire in parallel giving a colossal number of highly adaptable cell connections to a hierarchy of memories.

The application of this machine to every aspect of human life is astronomical and revolutionary. It can take all the data and come up with the BEST SOLUTION with the data base being the world and having an instant connectivity.

Richter’s Laws: A handbook For Human Success In A Post Computer World”, H.G.P. Colebatch. PhD. (Graham Brash Ltd. Published, Singapore, 1995) ISBN 981-218-049-4

I hope this helps us go further in developing a beautiful Consciousness that works for all as we move into the next Cycle - and that the awkening Bruce dreams of affects not only the masses but the Leaders. Living Love, Starr*

--- On Fri, Nov 7, 2008, in msg265707, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning --

Just a couple small thoughts on this theme, that might help make it clearer....


We could say -- that "Oneness" is known, or knowable, by an individual human being, through a process of self-realization. We follow a spiritual path, we "reap a harvest of grace" in some way, and this Oneness becomes known to us. We experience it -- as a private and personal thing.

And this same energy and knowing -- becomes available or accessible to more than one person -- in a shared way, that creates a kind of "resonant field" -- when two or more people can feel or share this kind of experience. Put simply -- this is what "namaste" is about. Something like "The Oneness in me is One with the Oneness in you."

"Your Oneness and my Oneness are the same Oneness..."

"One Oneness in two bodies...."

Something like that.

So, at one level, we are one, and, put very mystically, I AM you, and you are me....

But -- there is this planet we share. Although we are one in this sense -- we are also different. Suppose it turns out that we disagree on a political issue. You are a rancher, and feel strongly that more water in our local river must be allocated to the farmers and ranchers. I am a city-dweller, and feel that more water must come into the city for drinking and bathing and lawns. "We are One" -- but we disagree on this issue. Are we going to let this issue divide us, and break this Oneness? Or are we going to find a way to resolve the issue within the context of Oneness?

Being completely practical -- we could simply say that people have always fought over these issues, and they always will. So "get real" -- these idealistic dreams are never going to come true.

Or -- if something in our souls is spiritual to the core, and we feel that the destiny of human civilization will and ultimately must be deeply spiritual -- maybe we can continue to believe that within an unbroken context of Namaste -- human civilization can and eventually will work out its differences...

For me -- it feels as through the calling on this planet -- my own little sense of "mission" -- is to continue to defend the absolute ideal -- even if I know that it is very unlikely to be realized in its fullest sense.

I want to see an awakening -- to this sense of "Integral Context" -- or, if a better word can be suggested -- simply to this sense of unity and oneness and wholeness -- that really is the context of the human experience on this planet.

For me, as I see it -- there IS a universal spirituality that can and will and should inform the collective decisions we human beings make, as we shape our collective destiny by our political actions and choices.

Maybe it is true -- that we should concentrate on more practical things. "You will never successfully bridge spirit and politics" some will say. "It's just too idealistic, too impractical. It will never work."

But this dream lives on in me. I see in my mind's eye -- a world that is informed by "resonance" -- that "the vibration of OM can and should move through every human process" -- through everything done by individuals in their private and "separate" lives -- and in everything human beings do together, as they interact with one another connected through this "namaste" vibration and Oneness.

I envision this resonant pulse of OM -- moving through everything -- as some would say it already is -- and wisely informing and guiding everything that happens, every choice that human beings make to regulate the destiny we share together...

For me -- Obama is the beginning of the call to this unity and integrity. He represents this force, and calls us all to it. The way I see it -- we do not have to fully realize this unity in every regard in order to see this process as successful and beautiful. As this vision grows around the world, and becomes more natural and more instinctive, as millions of people realize this Oneness within themselves, and connect to others through it -- our collective destiny can be guided by this Oneness...

So, sure, I realize this is a a utopian idealism. But I think there is a role in the world for this kind of standard. It's a goal, a standard of perfection, towards which many of us are instinctively attracted. Maybe something like this is "the law of heaven" -- and really can never be fully realized "down here below". But there is that dream -- the restoration of Eden, of "bringing heaven to earth". In my own little way, I want to see that dream realized. Even a few steps in that direction, as taken by millions of people, could and would have an amazing and beautiful effect on everything that goes on around us.

As was said, some see what is in the world, and say why? Other see what never was, and say why not...


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