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"Heaven is my father and earth is my mother, and even such a small being as I finds an intimate place in their midst. Therefore, that which fills the universe I regard as my nature. All people are my brothers and sisters, and all things are my companions." Chang Tsai (1020-1077), Confucian master
The Way of The Earth, Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought - T. C. McLuhan

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Sunday, November 9, 2008, 2:31 PM
Subject: Generation We
ID: 265739

Thanks for all the good messages -- very encouraging.

While all that soaks in -- Hillary sent me a great video link -- take a look at this.

"Generation We"

after the baby boomers, after generation-x -- there is generation we

this is great -- a great tendency and trend -- definitely going in the right direction...

that link is a video -- they also offer an entire (257-page) book in .pdf --

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