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From: Linda K.
Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 9:39 AM
Subject: Integral Context - The Role of Idealism
Reply to: 265765
ID: 265766

Dear Bruce and all of you Blessed Beings of Light,

the hundreth monkey just woke up! It HAS to work. It can't NOT work. IT WILL. WE will. We have just crossed the "event horizon" in the spiral of evolution. Our oneness is our essence. Thank you all. Infinite Love, Linda

---- On Thu, Nov 13, 2008, Gary Winfree wrote ---

---- On Fri, Nov 7, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

"...Or -- if something in our souls is spiritual to the core, and we feel that the destiny of human civilization will and ultimately must be deeply spiritual -- maybe we can continue to believe that within an unbroken context of Namaste -- human civilization can and eventually will work out its differences...
For me -- it feels as through the calling on this planet -- my own little sense of "mission" -- is to continue to defend the absolute ideal -- even if I know that it is very unlikely to be realized in its fullest sense.
I want to see an awakening -- to this sense of "Integral Context" -- or, if a better word can be suggested -- simply to this sense of unity and oneness and wholeness -- that really is the context of the human experience on this planet.
For me, as I see it -- there IS a universal spirituality that can and will and should inform the collective decisions we human beings make, as we shape our collective destiny by our political actions and choices.
Maybe it is true -- that we should concentrate on more practical things. "You will never successfully bridge spirit and politics" some will say. "It's just too idealistic, too impractical. It will never work."..."

Hello Bruce,
When I think of how much humanity has accomplished in spite of the enormous amount of resources used in wars and other negative activities I believe any effort to move us all towards the ideal of the "brother of man" to be a very practical endeavor.

Amazing piece of work you have done here. The last year has been pretty hectic so I haven't had a lot of time on line but when I went to UCS a couple of times I remember thinking "Where did everyone go?"

Now I know. :-)

Gary  "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world.
Indeed it is the only thing which ever has."
—Margaret Mead
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