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A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living - Diane K. Osbon, editor

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From: Hillary H.
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 7:45 PM
Subject: Visions of Unity
Reply to: 265909
ID: 265910

Dear Bruce and All,

Thank you for the link and these inspiring and divinely unifying pictures.

Here is a cause that really needs our unified efforts to stop.

Please view the interview with Robert Redford on the Rachel Maddow show concerning the 100s of acres that Bush and the BLM want to use for oil and gas exploration.

We need to make some noise (and say prayers) to save these precious, pristine lands for the future of our children and the future of America before December 19th.

Sending Love, Light and Peace, May you all have a very peaceful, holy and enlightening Thanksgiving holiday,



--- On Tue, Nov 25, 2008, in msg265909, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Greetings . . .

Just checking in. Been tuning a few things . . . and just wanted to pass along a link that I ran into today, from somebody who is doing a lot of unity-connection network building -- and is on several of our networks -- including this one . . .

Check out this link:

Here are some images from that site:

Had to put this in here for Constance:


Link to this message:

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