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From: Bruce S.
Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 8:01 AM
Subject: Spiritual Dimensions of Obama's Leadership
Reply to: 265916
ID: 265919

Dear Ram, and all --

Yes, Ram, you are so right. This supposed "collective wave of enlightenment" totally depends on each individual in the process following the kind of path you outline. Each one does their part -- and a "shining whole" emerges....


Ram: This is simply wonderful to see your references about the Spirituality at work. And given this opportunity to ponder over them. However, for the practical spirituality to prevail in any area of life including politics/ statesmanship, we must individually and collectively experience the reality of the Spirit, the Spirituality and the Integral connection. And for that to happen; in simplistic terms; we must have purity (of purpose), openness, aspiration, humility and determination.

Bruce: This has always been true, and it is as true as ever today. Purity of purpose....

As I think about the "larger field" -- this huge interconnected evolutionary process called civilization -- I wonder what you would say, Ram -- about the relative degree of this process, as it depends for large- scale change on "individual points of light interconnected in a broad tapestry".

It seems to me -- that what we are looking at -- is a kind of "converging process". Some people "are more evolved ("more spiritual") than others. Some ardently strive to meet the standards you describe -- others less so. Some ignore them entirely. Yet -- it is still true that we remain "one human race, one civilization, living on one planet, in highly (absolutely) interconnected ways."

So -- maybe there has to be a way for the "more evolved" to help support or lead the way for the "less evolved" (and I know this sounds elitist and a bit pretentious -- so, this wording should probably be changed).

What I am feeling right now -- is that this concept of "resonance" gives us a way to be fluid and a bit murky, perhaps -- without losing integrity. It's like the "large-scale resonant field of human civilization" is a statistical cloud -- the individual points of light within this field vary widely, but there are "clustering" tendencies...

So, what we want to do -- is encourage these tendencies -- would you agree?

Maybe an individual is not yet quite prepared for "absolute purity of motive" (however that would be defined) -- but maybe they are ready for "purer motivation" -- they are "tending in the right direction".

That's what we want, I think -- the large-scale statistical cloud of human civilization to be "moving in the right direction" -- and what we want to do is help define that direction, in general terms, that can help and support and guide each individual within the field...

Ram: And we are so fortunate that we are seeing the President-Elect Barack Obama as a role model on a world-wide basis right in front of us. Whatever he has done so far in politics and his swift/diligent work agenda (i.e. his recent appointments in his administration..etc) clearly reflect where he is coming. In this witnessing, one cannot help but be touched with the integrity and charm of his bigger picture that makes our vision bigger.

Bruce: Yes. The article that Jonathan mentioned -- by Corrine and Gordon Davidson -- mentions that Obama "resonates with a new vibration" -- an inspiring vibration. People have picked that up. Not everybody can explain it, not everybody can say what it is they are feeling -- but hundreds of millions (billions) of people have felt it....

Ram: Nature is extremely benevolent in presenting us with this many life times opportunity to deeply see our position in the totality. Once it is known, we behave accordingly. Being an integral part of the Infinity as IS, we all need to recognize this connection and conduct ourselves accordingly.

Bruce: That is certainly the path of wisdom...

Ram: The Real Game has begun now and the foundation for the Direct Spiritual Connection is quite visible both to the external and inner eyes. We can all grow with it together as the gems are strung together on a beautiful necklace.

Bruce: The pearls on the necklace...

Well, maybe that is something we do on this Resonance Network -- string these pearls....

Ram: I think that's what the Spiritual politics or wisdom is all about. Once we truly/deeply recognize this opportunity of the unified connection, we begin to conduct ourselves accordingly and the universe begins to shape/orchestrate itself accordingly. How about this universally powerful link?

Bruce: Yes. On the one hand -- each one be it, do it. On the other hand, string those pearls of striving and faith into a single integral tapestry -- (a tapestry where it is ok if you are not quite perfect......)


--- On Tue, Nov 25, 2008, in msg265914, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Thanks for this message Jonathan -- and also, thank you Hillary. I happened to see the Redford interview on the Rachel Maddow show. He makes the point: we're not going to drill our way out of our problems. We need green methods.

Regarding the Obama article and the Center for Visionary leadership -- that article is a good start on linking into real-world spiritual politics as it is beginning to emerge. I/we met the Davidsons at the recent AGNT conference -- and I have had their book, "Spiritual Politics", since the early 1990's...

--- On Thu, Nov 20, 2008, in msg265844, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste everyONE,

Just wanted to share an article from the Center for Visionary Leadership called, The Spiritual Dimension's of Obama's Leadership.

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