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From: Bruce S.
Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 11:38 AM
Subject: Emerging vision...
ID: 265920

Of course, it is Thanksgiving season here in the USA -- peace and blessings to everybody...

Here in Santa Barbara, we are getting some real rain -- after a year with two major fires that left big chunks of our mountains charred. Now, with the groundcover gone, they are warning us about floods and mudslides...

But for just about anybody here in SB, there is plenty to be thankful for. Even in this semi-tropical zone, I've got "autumn leaves" out my balcony window -- autumn leaves AND palm trees....


Yesterday, for some reason, I got the idea that I wanted to fix up the logo and "look" for this resonance network. A minor thing, perhaps -- but I felt a lot of energy in it. This new set of colors and this statement of our old initial vision -- "Diversity becomes harmony through resonance" -- and affirming that this place is about "the art and science of collective attunement" -- seems powerful and persuasive. Maybe it took a couple of years, soaking in these ideas and all these conversations, to get these new possibilities ramped up.

And, too -- this recent election -- the ascendancy of Obama -- carries with it a really incredible sense of possibilities. It has felt to me from the very beginning -- that he is fundamentally about resonance. He gets it -- totally, consciously, instinctively. And he is so skillful -- that he is able to act through that integrity and vision, while still mastering "the old paradigm". That is really amazing -- that he could defeat the old way, while being a total representative of the new way. Yes, he did have to bend and compromise to do that, somewhat -- but still -- it is an absolutely astonishing accomplishment.

He has single-handedly created a new paradigm in politics -- certainly in the USA, probably in the entire world. He organized and developed the most powerful political campaign in America history -- by a long ways. And his internet presence -- looks to me like it will be a continuing part of his work.

He IS a "community organizer". And his community is the entire USA -- and maybe even the world, if he walks lightly. And his internet outreach -- is going to continue. I keep getting emails from those guys. They are going to be doing local community organizing -- all over the country -- organizing meetings, strategy sessions -- you name it. He is pulling people together. He understands "collective intelligence" -- I'd say he is close to a master of it -- whether consciously or instinctively. He knows how to do it.

So -- what this says for us is -- he is a spearhead into the real world, for this extremely high-end idealistic spirituality we are seeking here.

We are "divine plan" people. We are total mystic idealists. We believe in perfection. We want to define it -- and then make it real -- in every way we can. That's the message we carry, the message we were born to deliver...


So -- what I think I am seeing -- is a kind of conjunction -- a little like like the "transcontinental railway" that spanned the USA for the first time in 1869, when they drove "the golden spike" to make the final rail connection between east and west. For us -- the bridge-building stretches from the absolute mystic ideal of "The One" -- to the most nitty-gritty down-to-earth real-world local-actual details of life -- "The Many".

We are building that connection -- and we are building local and national and global community through that vision -- that connects each one of us as individual to that One -- then to each other in expanding ways that reach out in every direction, to everything...

Obama is working at the core of this process -- "organizing community" at a national level.

And what we are doing is -- "organizing national spirit" to empower and transform and revolutionize that national (and global) community.

One of the things we are doing is -- we are showing that it is possible. It can be done -- beautifully, without compromise, without sectarianism -- while still maintaining the high USA national ideal of "church/state separation". Our vision says -- we can build a tremendously powerful spiritual community that is as authentic as any "religion" ever conceived or existing -- without stepping on toes, or forcing anyone to convert to our vision. Why? Because we come from the center -- the center of everything. Our approach includes everything, and excludes no-one, and no tradition.

Obama does it this way too. He, too, is a true-to-the-core universalist.

So, it looks to me like there is a great occasion for partnership beginning to emerge. Obama can't really do exactly what we are doing. But he is working in the same spirit -- and, I would say, he is guided by a very similar vision and instincts.

We are nibbling around the edges of some very powerful energy-releases....

Thanks for being there, thanks for hanging in there all this time...

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